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Child Care & After-School Programs

National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC)

The National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC), a project of the Child Care Bureau, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is a national resource that links information and people to complement, enhance, and promote the child care delivery system, working to ensure that all children and families have access to high-quality comprehensive services.

NCCIC activities include:

  • Dissemination of child care information in response to requests from states, territories, and tribes; other policy makers; child care organizations; providers; business communities; parents; and the general public.
  • Outreach to ACF child care grantees and the broader child care community via a toll-free 800 phone and fax, and through mail and electronic media to provide the following information and connections:
    • Electronic resources and databases.
    • Clearinghouses and national organizations.
    • Sources of child care financing.
    • Current research.
    • State, territorial, and tribal program activities.
    • Promising practices.
    • Other child care resources.
  • The Child Care Bulletin, published each year and distributed to federal agencies, ACF child care grantees, national child care organizations, and others interested in child care issues. The NCCIC also develops and disseminates publications on key child care issues.
  • Child care linkages. The NCCIC convenes quarterly meetings of the National Child Care Organizations work group to collect information and resources on current activities.
  • State Technical Assistance. Working closely with ACF Regional offices, the NCCIC provides technical assistance to states through a network of state technical assistance specialists.
  • National Leadership Forums provide an opportunity for experts from across the country to participate in one-day conferences on critical issues affecting children and families.
  • QUILT - Quality in Linking Together an initiative developed by the Head Start and Child Care Bureaus to support early education partnerships. The QUILT team includes Community Development Institute (CDI) and Education Development Center (EDC). Technical assistance hotline: 877-867-8458.


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