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Posts tagged: seeds

Garden Sprouts kicks off alongside Healthy Garden Workshop

This afternoon in the Peoples’ Garden at USDA, the weekly Healthy Garden Workshop was supplemented by a special new activity for kids: the Garden Sprouts program.

As the adults learned about weeding techniques and removal of invasive plants at the third weekly Healthy Garden event, kids were given a map to follow through six educational stations. They learned about the role of worms in a garden as they dug through soil, helped put ladybugs into the Peoples’ Garden, and learned about seeds and how they work.

Display at one of the tables in the Garden Sprouts workshop.

The kids talked about how food goes from the farm to their plates, and had the opportunity to meet with volunteers from D.C. kitchen, a local food bank and culinary training facility.

Throughout the entire mini-workshop, attendees gained a wealth of knowledge about the food they eat, and how it’s grown. The Peoples’ Garden exists to further this educational outreach — you can always learn more about what we’re doing in the Garden by checking out the Twitter feed, or visiting the Peoples’ Garden web site.

The Garden Sprouts workshop ready to go Friday morning.