Data Set

Data Inventory

About the Data

The Department of Transportation (DOT) is pleased to release version 1.0 of its high-value data inventory as of September 30, 2010. The list below identifies a large set of raw data and other information we hope will be of interest to the public.  Moreover, publication of this list meets the requirements of the Open Government Directive and DOT’s commitment in its Open Government Plan.  The inventory does not include data already disseminated via under the provisions of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) of 2006 (Public Law 109-282), nor does it include data provided to the Federal Information Technology Dashboard.

Indentification & Prioritization Process

The DOT high-value data inventory has been scored in accordance with our Interim Identification & Prioritization Process and Guidelines (v1.0), which will serve as the Department’s guidance for identifying high-value data sets until a formal data transparency policy is released during Fall 2010. That policy – just like the interim process and guidelines -- will address protections for security, privacy, confidentiality, and other traditional concerns that may warrant redaction of some information in our datasets. Identification of a data set below does not mean that DOT will release the entire data set without appropriate redactions.  The DOT high-value data inventory will be regularly updated as the Department continues its data inventory activities and builds its release management capabilities.

We welcome feedback on our data inventory. Visitors are invited to provide comments and suggestions to

The tabs on the table below will take you to that Operating Administration’s section of our data inventory. You can click on the data set name to go to the DOT Web page that describes it. If the data set is already published on DOT Web pages, you can click on the data type field to download it or visit a Web page that allows you to download it. You may also download this list of data sets in XML format.

Updated: Wednesday, June 6, 2012