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  Audio Division                 Spacing Requirements for FM Contour Protection Stations under 47 CFR Section 73.215(e)
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FM Station Separation Standards
(Section 73.215(e))
for Contour Protection Stations

The following table lists the FM spacing standards contained in 47 CFR Section 73.215(e) for FM contour protection stations in the commercial portion of the FM band (92.1 MHz to 107.9 MHz, or Channels 221 to 300). If the spacing between U.S. stations is less than called for under Section 73.207, then an applicant may seek processing under 47 CFR 73.215. Under this rukle section, the spacing requirements listed below must be met with respect to cochannel and adjacent channel stations and vacant allotments of the various station classes. IN ADDITION, contour protection to stations not meeting the minimum separation requirements of Section 73.207 must be provided.

Section 73.215 cannot be used to reduce I.F. (intermediate frequency) separations. All stations must meet the I.F. separation requirements in Section 73.207.

Noncommercial Educational FM stations on Channels 218, 219, and 220 that specify contour protection with respect to a commercial-band FM station or vacant allotment on Channels 221, 222, or 223 must meet the listed separations.

Spacings should be rounded to the nearest kilometer.

Minimum Distance Separation Requirements in Kilometers

Section 73.215(e)
(Same Frequency)
200 kHz
(First-Adjacent Channel)
400 or 600 kHz
(Second- or Third-Adjacent Channel)
A to A 92 49 25
A to B1 119 72 42
A to B 143 96 63
A to C3 119 72 36
A to C2 143 89 49
A to C1 178 111 69
A to C0 193 130 80
A to C 203 142 89
B1 to B1 143 96 44
B1 to B 178 114 65
B1 to C3 143 96 44
B1 to C2 175 114 50
B1 to C1 200 134 71
B1 to C0 215 153 81
B1 to C 233 165 99
B to B 211 145 68
B to C3 178 114 65
B to C2 211 145 68
B to C1 241 169 73
B to C0 266 195 83
B to C 268 195 99
C3 to C3 142 89 37
C3 to C2 166 106 50
C3 to C1 200 133 70
C3 to C0 215 152 81
C3 to C 226 165 90
C2 to C2 177 117 52
C2 to C1 211 144 73
C2 to C0 227 163 83
C2 to C 237 176 96
C1 to C1 224 158 76
C1 to C0 239 176 88
C1 to C 249 188 99
C0 to C0 259 196 90
C0 to C 270 207 99
C to C 270 209 99

Section 73.207 Spacings
Spacings to Canadian Stations -- Spacings to Mexican Stations
Channel 253 - TV Channel 6 I.F. Spacings

This page is located at http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/spacing/73215e.html.


Please send comments via standard mail to the Federal Communications Commission, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C., 20554. Questions can also be answered by calling the FCC's National Call Center, toll free, at 1-888-Call FCC (1-888-225-5322).

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