Humanitarian Assistance

Our humanitarian assistance includes a full range of support, from search-and-rescue efforts immediately following a disaster, to relief commodities in its aftermath, to early recovery. We work to address the needs of affected communities from the moment a disaster strikes until affected populations are able to return home and resume their lives. We provide food, drinking water, shelter, medical services, and key relief commodities — including soap and towels, cooking utensils, blankets and clothes. We also help deliver those commodities.

We work with local organizations and communities to help them prepare for disasters should they occur, help replenish and position emergency supplies for effective response, and support cash grants for affected families.

Close partners in our programs are the Government of Pakistan's National Disaster Management Authority, other U.S. and Pakistani Government agencies, and the international donor community.

A Fact Sheet on Humanitarian Assistance can be downloaded here:

PDF Humanitarian Assistance (Adobe Acrobat PDF, 456KB)

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