Mission Overview
U.S. Assistance to Pakistan 2007-2010 - click to enlarge
For more information, see the
FY2010 Congressional Budget Justification


The United States sees a prosperous, secure, and stable Pakistan as vital to regional peace and security. As part of its commitment to the Pakistani people, the U.S. Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has provided over $2.8 billion in assistance since 2009. U.S. support is helping strengthen Pakistan's energy sector, increase the educational and economic opportunities available to Pakistan's citizens, improve the provision of health care services, and meet critical infrastructure needs in remote mountain areas. USAID also provides substantial relief and recovery assistance, such as when floods devastated the country in 2010.

USAID programs in Pakistan are focused on five key areas: energy, economic growth, stabilization, education, and health. To ensure that programs are responsive to local needs and have a sustainable impact, USAID has adopted a government-to-government model, in which the majority of programs are implemented through national and provincial governments. USAID also works extensively with local contractors and other indigenous institutions—an approach that ensures programs are aligned with local priorities and build local capacity. Two cross-cutting themes—good governance and gender equity—inform all program design and serve as key measurements of success.


Energy is essential to economic growth and political stability. Efficient energy management facilitates trade, enhances agricultural and industrial production, supports job creation, and increases opportunities for citizens to benefit from economic growth. The U.S. Government, through USAID, is partnering with the Government of Pakistan, the private sector, and other donors to increase the Pakistan's energy supplies, improve energy use efficiency, modernize equipment, and provide needed technical support and training.

Economic development is a critical partner to long-term stability. Our Economic Growth Program seeks to secure a self-sustaining future for Pakistan by nurturing competitive enterprises, efficient market environments, effective government policies, and business opportunities for women. In particular, USAID works with governmental and other partners to strengthen Pakistan's agricultural sector, so it can meet domestic food needs while generating export revenues. These initiatives are spurring broad-based economic growth and improving the earning power of people throughout the country.

Stable communities are less vulnerable to terrorism and other forms of extremism. USAID's stabilization efforts in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Khyber Pakhtunkwa Province are critical to long-term regional stability and U.S. security interests. The program seeks to enhance the legitimacy and writ of the Government of Pakistan while improving the economic and social conditions in remote communities affected by conflict. In particular, the program is helping local authorities meet basic infrastructure needs in villages and to support rule-of-law activities.

Education is a top priority for families in Pakistan, but about 20 million school-age children do not receive a basic education. The U.S. Government, through USAID, is helping ensure that Pakistan's children have access to a quality basic education as well as generous opportunities for higher education. Current projects focus on supporting teacher education, expanding the use of technology in the classroom, providing training to administrators in budgeting and finance, providing scholarships, and rehabilitating and reconstructing schools.

Since 2003, USAID has worked closely with Pakistan's Ministry of Health, the private sector, and other institutions and donors to improve the health and well-being of the people of Pakistan. Our programs target the poorest and most vulnerable areas, where communities often lack access to comprehensive and reliable health service delivery systems. USAID's health programs help by increasing access to family planning services, improving maternal and child healthcare, controlling major infectious diseases, providing safe drinking water, and strengthening the capacity of key institutions.

Accountable government and women's development are imperative for Pakistan's future. For this reason, USAID incorporates a concern for good governance and gender equality into all of its programs and success indicators. In addition, several targeted programs foster democratic institutions and women's development. These include the Gender Equity Project, the Municipal Services Program, and the Political Parties Development Project.


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