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DP-2. Profile of Selected Social Characteristics: 2000
Geographic Area: Seminole County
[Data based on a sample. For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions, see text]

Subject Number Percent Subject Number Percent

     Population 3 years and over            Total poplulation 24,894 100.0
      enrolled in school 6,499 100.0   Native 24,640 99.0
Nursery school, preschool 404 6.2       Born in United States 24,571 98.7
Kindergarten 390 6.0           State of residence 18,865 75.8
Elementary school (grades 1-8) 3,011 46.3           Different state 5,706 22.9
High school (grades 9-12) 1,672 25.7       Born outside United States 69 0.3
College or graduate school 1,022 15.7   Foreign born 254 1.0
                Entered 1990 to March 2000 115 0.5
EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT           Naturalized citizen 100 0.4
  Population 25 years and over 15,988 100.0       Not a citizen 154 0.6
Less than 9th grade 1,399 8.8        
9th to 12th grade, no diploma 2,883 18.0   REGION OF BIRTH OF FOREIGN BORN    
High school graduate (includes equivalency) 5,566 34.8     Total (excluding born at sea) 254 100.0
Some college, no degree 3,310 20.7   Europe 49 19.3
Associate degree 896 5.6   Asia 68 26.8
Bachelor's degree 1,159 7.2   Africa 9 3.5
Graduate or professional degree 775 4.8   Oceania 0 0.0
        Latin America 117 46.1
Percent high school graduate or higher 73.2 (X)   Northern America 11 4.3
Percent bachelor's degree or higher 12.1 (X)        
MARITAL STATUS                 Population 5 years and over 23,267 100.0
          Population 15 years and over 19,590 100.0   English only 21,924 94.2
Never married 3,963 20.2   Language other than English 1,343 5.8
Now married, except separated 11,245 57.4           Speak English less than '"very well"' 331 1.4
Separated 428 2.2   Spanish 388 1.7
Widowed 1,847 9.4           Speak English less than '"very well"' 93 0.4
 Female 1,548 7.9   Other Indo-European languages 171 0.7
Divorced 2,107 10.8           Speak English less than '"very well"' 66 0.3
 Female 1,148 5.9   Asian and Pacific Island languages 53 0.2
                Speak English less than '"very well"' 13 0.1
          Grandparent living in household       ANCESTRY (single and multiple)    
           with one or more own grandchildren                 Total population 24,894 100.0
           under 18 years 703 100.0     Total ancestries reported 18,990 76.3
Grandparent responsible for grandchildren 411 58.5   Arab 17 0.1
        Czech� 96 0.4
VETERAN STATUS       Danish 26 0.1
          Civilian population 18 years and over 18,328 100.0   Dutch 402 1.6
Civilian veterans 2,741 15.0   English 1,251 5.0
        French (except Basque)� 387 1.6
DISABILITY STATUS OF THE CIVILIAN       French Canadian� 43 0.2
     Population 5 to 20 years 6,185 100.0   Greek 17 0.1
With a disability 530 8.6   Hungarian 0 0.0
     Population 21 to 64 years 12,800 100.0   Irish� 2,297 9.2
With a disability 3,652 28.5   Italian 237 1.0
 Percent employed 48.0 (X)   Lithuanian 2 0.0
No disability 9,148 71.5   Norwegian 69 0.3
 Percent employed 72.5 (X)   Polish 106 0.4
     Population 65 years and over 3,947 100.0   Portuguese 24 0.1
With a disability 2,220 56.2   Russian 3 0.0
        Scotch-Irish 322 1.3
        Scottish 235 0.9
RESIDENCE IN 1995       Slovak 0 0.0
  Population 5 years and over 23,267 100.0   Subsaharan African 34 0.1
Same house in 1995 13,547 58.2   Swedish 109 0.4
Different house in the U.S. in 1995 9,654 41.5   Swiss 8 0.0
 Same county 5,261 22.6   Ukrainian 4 0.0
 Different county 4,393 18.9   United States or American 3,449 13.9
  Same state 2,889 12.4   Welsh 79 0.3
  Different state 1,504 6.5   West Indian (excluding Hispanic groups) 191 0.8
Elsewhere in 1995 66 0.3   Other ancestries 7,820 31.4
Date: July 7, 2006
-Represent zero or rounds to zero.    (X) Not applicable.
� The data represent a combination of two ancestries shown separately in Summary File 3. Czech includes Czechoslovakian. French includes Alsatian. French Canadian includes Acadian/Cajun. Irish includes Celtic.
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census 2000.

  • Page last reviewed December 31, 2008
  • Page last updated December 31, 2008
  • Content source: CDC Emergency Communication System (ECS), Division of Health Communication and Marketing (DHCM), National Center for Health Marketing (NCHM) The U.S. Government's Official Web PortalDepartment of Health and Human Services
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