Sources and footnotes for tables 1-4

Footnotes, Tables 1-4

Source:  The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) develops productivity measures
using output and compensation data published by the Bureau of Economic 
Analysis (BEA), hours data published by other BLS programs, and capital data
supplied by BEA and U.S. Department of Agriculture. Also see Technical Notes 
in this release.

(1) The private business sector covers gross domestic product with the 
    exception of the output of general government, government enterprises, 
    non-profit institutions, the rental value of owner-occupied real estate, 
    and the output of paid employees of private households. The private 
    nonfarm business sector further excludes farms but includes agricultural

(2) Output per combined units of labor input and capital services.

(3) Gross domestic product originating in the sector, chained superlative 

(4) Index of hours at work of all persons including employees, proprietors,
    and unpaid family workers, classified by age, education, and gender. 
    This chained superlative index is computed by combining changes in the 
    hours of each age, education, and gender group weighted by each group’s
    share of the total wage bill. 

(5) A measure of the flow of capital services used in the sector. Capital 
    services measure the services derived from the stock of physical assets
    and software. The assets included are fixed business equipment, 
    structures, inventories, and land.

(6) The growth rates of labor input and capital services are combined by 
    weighting with their respective shares of current dollar costs, and 
    aggregating into a chained superlative index.

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Last Modified Date: May 09, 2012