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FEC Record: Public Funding

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Commission Certifies Federal Matching Funds for Gary Johnson
(Posted 1/23/13; By Dorothy Yeager)

The Federal Election Commission has certified $121,755.77 in federal matching funds to Governor Gary Johnson/Gary Johnson 2012, Inc. for the 2012 primary election. The United States Treasury Department transferred the certified amount on January 8, 2013. Read more...

Commission Certifies Federal Matching Funds for Two 2012 Presidential Campaigns
(Posted 12/21/12; By Dorothy Yeager)

The Commission has certified additional federal matching funds for the 2012 primary election to the presidential campaigns of Gary Johnson and Jill Stein. These certifications are based on the agency’s review of the campaigns’ most recent matching fund submissions. Read more...

Commission Certifies Federal Matching Funds for Gary Johnson
(Posted 11/16/12; By Dorothy Yeager)

The Commission has certified Gary Johnson’s presidential campaign eligible for an additional $4,484.00 in federal matching funds for the 2012 primary election. The certification is based on the agency’s review of the campaign’s most recent matching fund submission. Read more...

Commission Certifies Federal Matching Funds for Jill Stein
(Posted 11/5/12; By Dorothy Yeager)

The Commission has certified Jill Stein’s presidential campaign eligible for an additional $72,942.09 in federal matching funds for the 2012 primary election. The certification is based on the agency’s review of the campaign’s most recent matching fund submission. Read more...

Johnson v. FEC
(Posted 11/2/12; By Zainab Smith)

Gary E. Johnson and James P. Gray, Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees of the Libertarian Party, respectively, applied to the FEC for pre-election public funding for the 2012 general election as “minor party” candidates. They asserted that, as nominees of a minor party under 26 U.S.C. §9004(a)(2)(A), they were entitled to public funding. Read more...






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The FEC Record is produced by the Information Division, Office of Communications. Toll free 800-424-9530; Local 202-694-1100; E-mail Greg Scott, Director; Alex Knott, Senior Writer/Editor; Dorothy Yeager, Production Manager