
August 2008

The August 5-6, 2008, Advisory Committee Meeting was held at the Doubletree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Berkeley Marina, 200 Marina Blvd., Berkeley, CA

 •  Agenda.pdf file (15KB)
 •  Minutes.pdf file (58KB)
 •  Presentations:
  1. View From Washington and Germantown.pdf file (6.0MB)
    Michael Strayer, Associate Director, OASCR, Office of Science
  2. Math for Analysis of Petascale Data.pdf file (3.1MB)
    Philip Kegelmeyer, Sandia National Laboratories
    Final MAPD Report.pdf file (2.8MB)
  3. Report Discussion on Committee of Visitors.pdf file (422KB)
    Marsha Berger, ASCAC Member
  4. ESnet Update.pdf file (652KB)
    Bill Johnston, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  5. Climate Computing Concept.pdf file (1.7MB)
    Lenny Oliker, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  6. Report Discussion on Fusion Simulation Project.pdf file (662KB)
    Ron Bailey, ASCAC Member
  7. Report Discussion on Joint Panel on GTL.pdf file (897KB)
    Rick Stevens, ASCAC Member
  8. BIOS Issues
    Ronald Minnich, Sandia National Laboratories
Last modified: 12/19/2016 9:00:58 AM