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ShakeOut Partners

We all must get better prepared for major earthquakes, and practice how to protect ourselves when they happen. The purpose of the ShakeOut is to help people and organizations do both.

The ShakeOut is made possible by generous support of several sponsors, committed organizers from many organizations, the encouragement of many others, and a growing legion of active BC Earthquake Alliance associates throughout the province that share the ShakeOut locally.



ShakeOut BC is a partnership of many key organizations of the BC Earthquake Alliance:

Bernadette Woit, Consultant, Schools Emergency Planning & Preparedness
Government of British Columbia
Canadian Red Cross
Capital Region Emergency
Awareness Network
Capitol Regional District

Natural Resources Canada

City of Burnaby
Township of Esquimalt
City of Nanaimo
Cowichan Valley Regional District
District of Oak Bay
District of Saanich
Town of View Royal
City of Victoria
City of White Rock
Angus Reid Public Opinion

Many other government agencies, businesses, organizations, and community groups are also promoting the ShakeOut to their members and constituents.


Statements of support from ShakeOut Partners, Organizers, Sponsors, and others:



New Statements

Vancouver Island Regional Library
Government of British Columbia
Public Safety Canada
Natural Resources Canada

City of Victoria

January 2011 Statements

Ministry of Health Services

Emergency Preparedness for Industry and Commerce Council

Canadian Red Cross
©2013 SCEC Southern California Earthquake Center @ USC
The Great British Columbia ShakeOut