ESGR in the News


Urban Indian Health Institute

  • Urban Indian Health Institute

Urban Indian Health Institute’s Associate Director - Crystal Tetrick Honored by Department of Defense for Extraordinary Support of an Employee Who Serves in the Army Reserve. Seattle, Washington – The Washington Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an agency of the Department of Defense, announced today that Crystal Tetrick of the Seattle, Washington Indian Health Board was honored with the Patriot Award in recognition of extraordinary support of an employee who serves in the Army Reserve.

According to Larry Kirchner, ESGR King County Chair, “The Patriot Award was created by ESGR to publicly recognize individuals and companies or organizations who provide outstanding patriotic support and cooperation to their employees, who like the citizen warriors before them, have answered their Nation’s call to serve." Ms. Tetrick was nominated for being highly supportive of her employee, SPC Jim La Roche, who is a member of the Army Reserve currently serving his country in Africa. "Supportive employers are critical to maintaining the strength and readiness of the nation’s National Guard and Reserve units,” continued Mr. Kirchner.

As the 1.3 million members of the National Guard and Reserve continue to perform an increasing number of unique missions within America’s borders and beyond, ESGR will continue to be the resource for the employers of citizen warriors. ESGR provides education, consultation, and if necessary, mediation for employers of Guard and Reserve employees. More information about ESGR Employer Outreach Programs and volunteer opportunities is available at, or by calling the Washington State office at (877) 306-1971.
