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Printing Reports

1. Are EQR reports available online?
Yes. As of January 31, 2003, an EQR Data Dissemination System was launched on this site and shows the EQR filings made electronically. They are zip files that can be downloaded and printed.

2. After entering and saving all of my EQR data, I want to print a copy of the report from the application. How can I print the information I entered into the EQR?
Go to the menu bar in the application and click on Reports. The following reports are available:

  • Contract Products Listing
    This report enables you to see in a grid format, all contract and contract product data that been entered into the system for the selected period.

    To view or print contract and contract products data, select the Contract Products Listing menu item. Select either screen or printer as the destination. If you select screen, you can either view the information or select specific pages to print. If you select Printer, enter the starting and ending page numbers for the print range and then click OK to print or Cancel to exit the print function.

  • Contract Transactions Listing
    This report enables you to see in a grid format, all transaction data that has been entered into the system for the selected period. To view or print transactions data, select the Contract Transactions Listing menu item. Select either screen or printer as the destination. If you select screen, you can either view the information or select a specific page to print. If you select Printer, enter the starting and ending page numbers for the print range and then click OK to print or Cancel to exit the print function.

  • Export Contract Products
    This report is similar to the import format for contract and contract products data that has been entered into the system. The resultant Excel spreadsheet data is not importable into the EQR Submission Software. To download contract data and contract products data into an Excel spreadsheet format, which can be printed, select the Export Contract Products menu item. A message will show the drive location of the exported file. Make a note of that location, then click OK. To find the exported contact products data, use Windows Explorer to go to the noted drive location.

  • Export Transactions
    This report is similar to the import format for transactions data that has been entered into the system. The resultant Excel spreadsheet data is not importable into the EQR Submission Software.

    To download transactions data into an Excel spreadsheet format, which can be printed, select the Export Transactions menu item. A message will show the drive location of the exported file. Make a note of that location, then click OK. To find the exported contact products data, use Windows Explorer to go to the noted drive location. s

EQR (FERC-516)
Email: eqr@ferc.gov
Astrid Rapp

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Email: ferconlinesupport@ferc.gov

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Questions and Answers

Updated: November 7, 2012