United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Nursing Services (ONS)

VA Nursing Research

Improving the Health of Veterans through Nursing Research

Vision VA nursing research advances knowledge to promote health and excellence in healthcare for veterans and the nation.

Mission To build capacity for high quality research that informs evidence-based nursing practice and builds nursing science.

Nursing Research Advisory Group

The VA Nursing Research Advisory Group (NRAG) establishes, implements, and evaluates a strategic plan for VA nursing research and advises the National Nurse Executive Council (NNEC) on issues and activities related to nursing research.
NRAG Conference Call Schedule: 2nd Thursday every month from 1 - 2 pm ET

2011-2012 NRAG Member List 

For VA Nurse Researchers

(links go to sections below or other pages)

Nurse Research Conference Calls
Bimonthly calls ~ 3rd Thursday ~ 11 - 12 noon ET ~ 800-767-1750 code: 16676#
(Jan, Mar, May, July, Sep, Nov)

Career Development
VA Fellowship Information
Pre- and Post-Doc Nursing Fellowship information is available on the Office of Academic Affiliations website.

pdf document Office of Academic Affiliations Brochure new      webpage icon Additional Training Information new 
VA Research Career Development Awards
The Office of Research and Development (ORD) has announced a new career development program that streamlines career development opportunities across services into one ORD-wide program.
Leave Options for Full-time Clinicians
Summary document developed to describe the relevant VA leave policies that nurses could use to take a leave from their regular duties for the purpose of performing a research activity.
Non-VA Career Links
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality(AHRQ)
National Library of Medicine (NLM)

VA Nurse Scientist Toolkit  
The purpose of the VA Nurse Scientist Toolkit is to assist in the orientation of nurse scientists to the VA focusing on resources for research and for building a program of research. The target audience for this toolkit is nurse scientists newly hired into the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or any nurse new to the nurse scientist role in the VA. Nurse scientists are defined as doctorally prepared nurses who, through a program of research, conduct basic, clinical, rehabilitation, and health services research leading to improvements in the healthcare of veterans.
Overview of Toolkit (PowerPoint)

VA Nurse Investigator Directory
The purpose of the VA Nurse Investigator Directory is to provide easy access to information about Nurse Investigators conducting research throughout the VA. This will assist in networking among nurse scientists and in mentoring of new VA Nurse Researchers.

Funding/Resource Links
VA Sources
The Nursing Research Initiative (NRI), an HSR&D program,  encourages new and experienced nurse investigators to participate in research aimed at high-priority health issues for veterans with particular emphasis on patient-centered care.
VA Office of Research Oversight (ORO)
VA Research & Development 
Health Services R & D 
Rehabilitation R & D 
Clinical R&D 
Laboratory R&D 
VA Office of Academic Affiliations 
Non-VA Sources  
Uniformed Services University 
Additional Research Funding Links 

External Link Disclaimer

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