Internal Source Models

	       Number     Degree/Order
Model Name    of Coeff.   Main    1.   2.   3.    Data Base                  Epoch

Jensen, Cain      48         6                    1945 - 1962                1960

GSFC 9/65        147         9    6               1945 - 1964                1960

GSFC 12/66       360        10   10   10          1900 - 1966                1960

GSFC 9/80        462        13   13    6    4     OGO, MAGSAT, 1960-1980     1980

GSFC 12/83       367        14   11               MAGSAT, 1978-1982          1980

GSFC 11/87       448        14   14               DE, MAGSAT, 1978-1983      1982

POGO 3/68        198         9    9               OGO                        1960

POGO 10/68       286        11   11               OGO                        1960

POGO 8/69        240        10   10               OGO 1965.7 to 1968.4       1960

POGO 8/71        240        10   10               OGO Dec. 1965 to Mar.1970  1960

MGST 6/80        195        13                    MAGSAT Nov. 5-6, 1979      1979.85

MGST 4/81        258        13    7               MAGSAT 15 days             1980

Barraclough-75   296        12    8    6          Aircr., OGO, Obs.          1975

USGS, ACW75      248        12    8               1967-1974                  1975

USGS, Cont. U.S.  24         4                    Land, Marine, Aerial       1985

USGS, Hawaii       8         2                    Surveys, IGRF              1985

IGRF, 1995       120        10                    All Data Sources           1945-95

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