Intercosmos Ion Composition Model 2003

Authors: L. Triskova, V. Truhlik, J. Smilauer
Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Bocni II, 14131 Prague 4
Czech Republic
Bocni II, 14131 Prague 4

Parameter: Percentage of O+, H+, He+, and N+ ions in the altitude range 500 to 2500 km

Brief Description:
This empirical model is based on ion compostion data deduced from measurements by the AE-C, AE-E, and Intercosmos-24 (ACTIVE) satellites. It consists of global submodels at several altitudes (AE: 400, 650, 1000 km; IC: 550, 900, 1500, 2250 km). Different altitudes were chosen for low (AE) and high (IC) solar activity because of the dramatic changes in the O+/light ions transition height with solar activity. Global variations are describe with a system of associated Legendre polynomials up to the 6th order in terms of the invdip latitude and magnetic local time. The invdip latitude coordinate combines the advandages of the dip latitude close to the magnetic equator with those of the invariant latitude coordinate at high latitudes. These model will be part of next version of the International Reference Ionosphere.

Availability: Included in the next version of the International Reference Ionosphere.

L. Triskova, V. Truhlik, and J. Smilauer, On possible imporvements of outer ionosphere ion composition model in IRI, Adv. Space Res. 29, #6, 849-858, 2002.

L. Triskova, V. Truhlik, and J. Smilauer, An empirical model of the ion composition in the outer ionosphere, Adv. Space Res. 31, #3, 653-663, 2003.

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