Millstone Hill Electric Field Model 1983

Authors: W. L. Oliver, J. M. Holt
MIT Haystack Observatory
Westford, Massachusetts 01886

Parameter: Auroral ion drift and electric field

Brief Description:
This model consists of a sixth order polynomial in invariant magnetic latitude and an eighth order Fourier series in local time for the electric field components Ex (positive southward) and Ey (positive eastward). It represents the average electric field patterns observed by the Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar in all of 1978. Three levels of geomagnetic activity (Kp) are considered. Averages were determined for half-hour intervals and for one degree intervals for invariant latitudes from 60 to 75 degrees. For recent updates, see Holt et al. (1986). Foster et al. (1986) used Millstone Hill data together with NOAA/TIROS precipitation data to develop convection (drift/electric field) models for different levels of a precipitation index.

Availability: Please contact the model authors

J. V. Evans, J. M. Holt, and R. H. Wand, Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Observations of Auroral Convection Over 60 <= invariant latitude <= 75 , 1. Observing and Data Reduction Procedures, J. Geophys. Res. 84, 7059, 1979.

J. V. Evans, J. M. Holt, W. L. Oliver, and R. H. Wand, Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Observations of Auroral Convection Over 60 < = invariant latitude <= 75 , 2. Initial Results, J. Geophys. Res. 85, 41, 1980.

W. L. Oliver, J. M. Holt, R. H. Wand, and J. V. Evans, Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Observations of Auroral Convection Over 60 <= invariant latitude <= 75 , 3. Average Patterns Versus Kp, J. Geophys. Res. 88, 5505, 1983.

J. M. Holt, R. H. Wand, J. V. Evans, and W. L. Oliver, Empirical Models for the Plasma Convection at High Latitudes from Millstone Hill Observations, J. Geophys. Res. 92, 203, 1987.

J. C. Foster, J. M. Holt, R. G. Musgrove, and D. S. Evans, Ionospheric Convection Associated with Discrete Levels of Particle Precipitation, Geophys. Res. Lett. 13, 656, 1986.

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