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ERIC: Education Resources Information Center Skip main navigation Skip main and local navigation
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Privacy Policy


ERIC provides this website as a public service. To protect your privacy, we follow Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recommendations regarding Internet privacy for Federal Government websites. We strive to make you aware of the kinds of information we collect, explain why we collect information, how we use it, and whether it will be shared with others. ERIC does not collect personal information when you visit our website unless you choose to provide it.

Non-Personal Information Collected Automatically

When you visit the ERIC website, the tracking system collects the following information:

  • IP address from which you access our website
  • Internet domain for your Internet service
  • Type of Web browser that you are using
  • Certain browser settings including JavaScript, default language, and screen resolution
  • Screen resolution setting
  • Type of operating system in use by the Web browser
  • Date and time you visit our site, and the Web pages that you visit on our site
  • Address of the previous website you were visiting if you are referred to us by another website

ERIC uses the information for statistical analyses and diagnostics, and to help us make our site more useful to visitors. The tracking system does not record information about individuals.


The ERIC website uses session cookies to collect information about your browser session and help you use our website. Session cookies remember your information while you explore the ERIC website during one session, or visit, to the site. Session cookies are temporary, remaining active only until the end of your session; they are not retained.

Personally Provided Information

ERIC does not give, share, sell, or transfer any personal information to a third party unless required by law. If you use certain features of the ERIC Web site, you will provide the following information:

  • If you send questions or comments to ERIC, or submit material to be considered for inclusion in ERIC, the personal information contained in your e-mail or the form you complete on the ERIC website is used to respond to your request.
  • To use the My ERIC feature of the website, you must complete a simple registration form. You are required to create a username and password, and to provide your email address. ERIC stores this information to allow you to access your private, customized My ERIC space. ERIC employs electronic security and password protections to guard against unauthorized access.


The ERIC website provides links to many external websites. Once you navigate to another site, you are subject to the privacy policy of the new site. These other sites may use their own cookies, collect data, or solicit personal information. The privacy policy described for ERIC does not apply to other Web sites accessed via these external links. ERIC tries to ensure that attempts to use links that point outside of the ERIC website are clearly identified, by means of a pop-up notice.


ERIC monitors network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to damage the website or to upload or change information on ERIC's servers. In support of website security, ERIC's Web operating system collects information that could help identify a possible threat. This is the only instance in which ERIC collects personal information and/or monitors user activity without asking the permission of, or giving prior notice to, an ERIC user.


If you have questions, comments, or concerns regarding the ERIC privacy policy or practices, please send us an email using the form provided at Contact ERIC.


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