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Tag: Tom McAnear

From College Park to Edinburgh: 30 Days with the National Collection of Aerial Photography

Today’s post is written by Tom McAnear, a processing archivist in College Park. Tom is participating in the Archival Development Program, an in-house multi-year training course for all of NARA’s archivists. As part of my Archival Development Program (ADP) training I recently completed a 30-day rotation in June at the National Collection of Aerial Photography [...]

U.S. Information Agency (USIA) Research Report Document Files Consolidated

Today’s post is written by Tom McAnear, a processing archivist who works with civilian textual records. The Research Report document files from the Office of Research and Media Reaction in RG 306 (Records of the U.S. Information Agency) are important for researching both foreign and domestic opinion about key events, important issues, and the actions of [...]


