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BNL Hosts Internal Workshop on Future of NSLS-II

About 125 Brookhaven Laboratory and Stony Brook University scientists and staff participated in an internal workshop to learn about the status and plans for the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) on Wednesday, May 18, 2011, at BNL. The workshop’s purpose was to help us identify strategies for developing and enhancing research programs in the different areas of science at BNL and SBU that will benefit from NSLS-II’s capabilities.

Attendees heard overview talks on the Laboratory’s general vision and strategy, including the role of NSLS-II, a summary of NSLS-II status and plans, and a summary of the current state of the Lab’s and SBU’s science and technology (S&T) research interests (and collaborations) in using NSLS-II.  During subsequent breakout sessions, workshop leaders solicited input for inclusion in the emerging strategies for developing, evolving, and positioning research programs to take maximum advantage of NSLS-II. Development of these strategies is being facilitated by a working group drawn from across BNL and SBU, including Allen Orville (ELS), Lisa Miller (PSD), Ron Pindak (PSD), Qun Shen (PSD), John Hill (BES), Jason Graetz (ST), Jose Rodriguez (BES), Lynne Ecker (GARS), Jeff Fitts (ELS), Ben Hsiao (SBU), Bob Haltiwanger (SBU), John Parise (SBU) and Doon Gibbs. The working group subsequently gathered the input from the breakout sessions and developed strategies for the further refinement of the developing NSLS-II based research programs as a part of the Laboratory’s strategy for achieving its S&T missions. The results are presented here.

An executive summary describing the workshops main conclusions can be found at:  It is divided in 3 parts, including overarching observations, selected concerns (with actions) and additional strategies (and actions).  The workshop agenda follows the executive summary. The individual reports from each breakout session follow the agenda.  All slides may also be found at:

If you are interested in providing comments or input to the executive summary/white paper, please contact Liz Flynn at .

Executive Summary and White Paper

May 18, 2011, 1-6 p.m.

Hamilton Seminar Room, Chemistry Building (555)



Laboratory Overview (Doon Gibbs, 30 minutes)

  • Laboratory Vision/Strategy
  • Priority Initiatives, including NSLS-II
  • How NSLS-II Fits In Larger Laboratory Agenda
  • Emergent BNL/SBU Research Themes
  • Role of NSLS-II Working Group

NSLS II Overview (Qun Shen, 45 minutes)

  • Project Status
  • NSLS-II Capabilities
  • Planned Beam-lines, End-stations, Schedules
  • Connection of Planned Beam-lines to Emergent BNL/SBU Research Themes
  • Access Policy
  • Beamline Advisory Teams
  • Early Science Experiments

SBU Interests (Ben Hsiao, Chair, SBU Chemistry; John Parise, Geoscience; Laszlo Mihaly, Chair, SBU Physics; Michael Dudley, Chair, SBU Materials Science and Engineering, Robert Haltiwanger, Chair, SBU Biochemistry; and Clint Rubin, Chair, SBU Biomedical Engineering, 20 minutes)

BNL Research Interests (5 minutes each): These talks will summarize Laboratory interests, capabilities, and connections to NSLS-II plans and needs in the indicated theme areas. More detailed discussion will follow in the break-out sessions.

Breakout Sessions (2 hours): There will be two sets of four breakout sessions focused on specific areas of science. Each session will last an hour. The topics and schedule of the breakout sessions are listed below. These will be led by working group members and include POCs from NSLS-II. The working group leader will start each session with a brief summary of research interests and capabilities, to be followed by discussion from attendees. Working group leaders will keep notes of the discussion as feedback for the subsequent discussions of the working group.

Session 1 (3:30-4:30)

  • Soft Matter / Nano-materials (Ron Pindak, Berkner Room A)
  • Condensed Matter Physics and Materials ScienceCorrelated Systems (John Hill, Berkner, Room C)
  • Structural Biology (Allen Orville, Berkner, Room B)
  • Materials Science and EngineeringExtreme Environment Materials (Lynne Ecker, Berkner Room D)

Session 2 (4:30-5:30)

  • Catalysis/Chemistry (Jose Rodriguez, Berkner, Room A)
  • Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science--Energy Storage (Jason Graetz, Berkner, Room C)
  • Earth and Environmental Sciences (Jeff Fitts, Berkner, Room B)
  • Biological Imaging (Lisa Miller, Berkner, Room D)

Examples of the kinds of questions that might be discussed include:

  • What is the expected usage of the currently planned beamlines by the existing research programs and personnel at SBU and BNL?
  • Are there opportunities to enhance BNL/SBU representation in the areas of interest among the existing six NSLS-II beam-line advisory teams?
  • Is there a need to propose additional beam-lines (beyond those already approved) to provide additional capabilities needed to meet the current and emerging challenges identified by the BNL and SBU community?
  • What other infrastructure is needed at either BNL or SBU (besides NSLS-II) to attract and support the S&T communities that will utilize NSLS-II.
  • What are the areas of strength for personnel in the existing research communities at BNL/SBU and what are the most pressing needs for additional expertise or personnel in order to mount leading research initiatives utilizing NSLS-II?
  • What are the most effective strategies for strengthening the BNL/SBU research community (eg, strategic hires, partnerships, etc.), including leveraging industrial collaborations, especially in NYS?
  • What are the funding opportunities to foster and support innovative, high-risk-high-reward R&D that benefits from utilization of NSLS-II at BNL/SBU? How do we nurture new communities and/or new investments by these communities in research at NSLS-II?
  • Comments on new aspects of the User Access Policy  

Summary (30 minutes, Hamilton Seminar Room): Each Breakout leader gives a 2 minute summary of what was learned.

6:00 pm Wine and Cheese at Hamilton Lecture Room


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