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Closed School Monthly Reports

The Closed School Monthly Reports (CSMR) are the official lists that guaranty agencies may use to discharge loans for students who meet the eligibility requirements under 34 CFR Section 682.402(d) of the Federal Family Education Loan Program regulations. All closed schools can be found in the Closed School Search File. This is an Excel spreadsheet, so you need to have that application on your computer (for use with Excel 2010 or later). See the search instructions for help in finding specific schools in this file. There is also a copy of the spreadsheet for users with older versions of Excel.

The reports below contain two sections. Section I lists all the closed schools reported during the month. Section II lists the changes or updates to schools already in Postsecondary Education Participants System (PEPS) or to school closure data that was in error.

Students who are looking for transcripts can get more closed school information.

The reports are saved in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF), so you must use the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. If you do not already have the Acrobat Reader, a free copy may be downloaded at:

If you experience technical problems receiving or opening the reports, please send an email to FSA_PEPS@ED.GOV.

September 2012
Section I
Section II

August 2012
Section I
Section II

July 2012
Section I
Section II

June 2012
Section I
Section II

If you are aware of a school closure that has not appeared on the Closed School Monthly Report, please notify the appropriate School Participation Team contact.

When reporting a new closure, please provide the closure date (the date the school ceased to provide educational instruction in all programs of study) as well as the following information, if available:

  • Arrangements made by and for students to complete their education;
  • Arrangements made for maintaining the academic records; and
  • Information about whether the school was covered by a state tuition recovery fund or performance bond.


Page last modified 10/1/12


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