Highlights from the Mobile Health 2010 Conference

We recently had the pleasure of attending the Mobile Health 2010 Exit Disclaimer Conference at Stanford University. The purpose of the conference was simple: “[to] highlight how today’s mobile technology can improve the health of everyday people.” We were honored to co-host the conference, and to present some of our thoughts on mobile planning for Our presentation focused on the importance of understanding how those we want to reach are using mobile. For example, in a typical month 24% of gay men compared with 16% of heterosexual men Exit Disclaimer say they send a text message at least once a day — and knowing this has implications for our work.

We had the opportunity to speak with a number of our colleagues working in HIV and sexual health, and have compiled some of their thoughts and advice on using mobile in the video below. Having attended the conference in 2008 when it was called Texting4Health, it was exciting to see how many more people are diving in and sharing their enthusiasm about using mobile technologies for public health. In the end, all of us in the HIV community need to continue to learn more about our audiences’ use of mobile technologies to ensure that we are meeting their needs.

Are you using mobile to enhance your HIV-related work? Have thoughts about what folks at the conference had to say? We’d love to hear from you!

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