USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Haiti

Trilateral Development: “We” Is Much Bigger Than “Us”

Mark Lopes is deputy assistant administrator for Latin America and Caribbean

Success for Latin America and the Caribbean means that the USAID must work itself out of a job. Read more >>

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FrontLines Year in Review: Beyond Port-au-Prince

Vendors sell their wares March 24, 2011, at a market in Cap-Haïtien, Haiti. Photo credit: Kendra Helmer, USAID.

The United States and Haitian Governments aim to develop areas outside the country’s overcrowded capital, catalyzing growth in the north. Read more >>

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A Record-Breaking Year for Mobilizing Private Capital for Development

Putting Local Wealth to Work: Development Credit Authority 2012 Portfolio. Photo Credit: USAID.

USAID is enabling private markets in the developing world to provide financing to the people who need it most. Read more >>

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How I Was Inspired to Solve Global Problems

Administrator Rajiv Shah speaks to students at Howard University on October 15, 2012. Photo Credit: Patricia Adams, USAID.

As a senior studying public relations, I never thought about working abroad. I had the epiphany one day and decided to include international development in my career plans. Read more >>

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Photos: Secretary Clinton in Haiti

U.S. Secretary of State Visits USAID sites in Northern Haiti: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton traveled to northern Haiti on October 22.

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We Live in a Hungry World

“No matter how dramatic the images of people receiving food aid, it’s the daily, personal reminders of what it means to be hungry, and what we are doing to address that hunger for the long-term, which affect me the most….even after more than thirty years in this business.”

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Moving USAID Forward in Haiti

There is a myth that when USAID enters into an agreement with a U.S.-based non-governmental organization or contractor, most of the money stays in the United States. The reality is much different. A significant amount of resources is spent locally.

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Video: Working for Equality for People with Disabilities in Haiti

The January 2010 earthquake in Haiti increased the challenge of supporting people with disabilities. Not only were there more people with disabilities, many local disabled peoples organizations were severely impacted. Read more>>

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Behind the Scenes at USAID: Administrator Shah Meets with Laurent Lamothe

Today at USAID, Administrator Rajiv Shah had the opportunity to meet with His Excellency Laurent Lamothe, Prime Minister of the Republic of Haiti. Read more >>

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Progress in Haiti

Haiti is working tirelessly to overcome adversity that existed even before the earthquake and to begin to build a stable and sustainable foundation for economic prosperity and societal stability. Read more >>

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