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Communication & Engagement

The Office of Environmental Management supports, by means of grants and cooperative agreements, a number of institutionalized activities and relationships with various national intergovernmental organizations.

The mission of the Environmental Management Advisory Board is to provide independent and external advice, information, and recommendations to the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management (EM) on corporate issues relating to accelerated site clean-advice and risk reduction.

At the request of the Office of Environmental Management (EM) Assistant Secretary or the Field Managers, the EM Site-Specific Advisory Board may provide advice and recommendations concerning the following EM site-specific issues...

The U.S. Department of Energy is committed to the cleanup of sites that were once part of the Nation's nuclear weapons complex. Several of these sites are located close or adjacent to sovereign Tribal nations and impact Indian lands and/or resources.

The Office of Environmental Management (EM) International Program seeks out international technical experts to support EM's mission of accelerated risk reduction and cleanup of the environmental legacy of the nation's nuclear weapons program and government-sponsored nuclear energy research.

EM provides clear, timely, and consistent communication on the mission and activities within the EM Program, including overall goals and progress toward meeting these goals.   EM’s communications are handled in an integrated manner and consistent and informative messages and strategies are disseminated throughout the organization and to the public, regulators and other stakeholders.