
Congressman Doug Lamborn Urges President to Appeal National Day of Prayer Court Ruling

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) released the following statement today in which he criticized U.S. District Court Judge Barbara B. Crabb’s finding that the “National Day of Prayer” is unconstitutional.


“I am deeply disappointed with Judge Crabb’s ruling. It is an outrageous decision by a liberal judge, which I believe will be struck down as unconstitutional. Her ruling is a clear violation of our First Amendment right to freedom of religion. 


“Her ruling reflects a liberal activist agenda that is increasingly influencing our courts. What we’re seeing here is a judge, appointed by President Carter, using her own ideological bias to inform the way that she rules on matters of our fundamental freedoms. 


“The National Day of Prayer is a totally voluntary exercise.  It in no way requires Americans to participate in prayer. Unfortunately, some in our country are seeking freedom from religion, rather than freedom of religion.


“I urge President Obama to appeal this decision and lend my full support to the National Day of Prayer Task Force as they fight to preserve our sacred right to worship.”  - Doug Lamborn (CO-05)


 Congressman Lamborn has been a long-time friend and supporter of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, which is headquartered in Colorado Springs.


            “Since the days of our Founding Fathers, the government has protected and encouraged public prayer and other expressions of dependence on the Almighty.  This is a concerted effort by a small but determined number of people who have tried to prohibit all references to the Creator in the public square, whether it be the Ten Commandments, the Pledge of Allegiance, or the simple act of corporate prayer – this is unconscionable for a free society.” - Shirley Dobson, Chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force and wife of Focus on the Family Founder Dr. James Dobson


Note:The American Center for Law and Justice filed an amicus brief with the courts on behalf of 31 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, including Congressman Lamborn, in support of the National Day of Prayer.


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