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Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
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read 'overview'
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter blasted off from Cape Canaveral in 2005, on a search for evidence that water persisted on the surface of Mars for a long period of time.
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read 'science'
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is providing new information in unprecedented detail about the surface, subsurface, and atmosphere of Mars.
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read 'technology'
Mars missions like the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter rely on the innovations of past missions and contribute to the missions of the future.
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read 'launch vehicle'
SMars Reconnaissance Orbiter used an Atlas V-401 launch vehicle, the smallest of the Atlas V family.
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read 'Spacecraft'
MRO was the first spacecraft designed from the ground up for aerobraking, a rigorous phase of the mission during which the orbiter used the friction of the Martian atmosphere to slow down and settle into its final orbit.
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read 'instruments'
During its two-year primary science mission, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is conducting eight different science investigations at Mars.
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read 'timeline'
The phases of the mission include pre-launch activities, launch, cruise, Approach, Orbit Insertion, Aerobraking, Science Operations, and Communications Relay.
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read 'mission team'
While numerous individuals make vital contributions without which this mission could not occur, listed here are the key team members.
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