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These pages provide information on hydroacoustic technology for users in the USGS and other agencies. Since the early 1980s the USGS has worked cooperatively with manufacturers to develop and enhance the use of acoustic Doppler instruments for streamflow and other hydraulic measurements. The Office of Surface Water maintains these web pages to provide updated information on hydroacoustics instruments and their use within the USGS and elsewhere.

What's New?

Recent Podcasts and Recorded Webinars

Compass Calibration Guidance Documents for RiverRay and RiverSurveyor M9/S5

Index Velocity Techniques and Methods Report Released!

Submit Hydroacoustic Comparison Measurements (USGS login required)

Featured Topic: Velocity Mapping Toolbox

The Velocity Mapping Toolbox, a new tool for visualization of velocity fields, is available

Selected topics from the Hydroacoustics Community Forum.

Remote Desktop in the field with portable devices...
Using a Depth Sounder with WinRiver II
Serial to USB adapters
Best Practices for Collecting Mid-section Discharge Measurements with ADCPs
New Index Velocity Inspection and Installation Forms

NOTE: You must me a registered member to view the posts. Register now and join the discussion. Detailed instructions on registering can be found at