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Data System Interfaces

The ESDIS Project manages EOSDIS interfaces between system components through the use of interface documentation. These documents include management level documents such as Working Agreements and Inter-Project Agreements and technical documents such as Requirements Documents and Interface Control Documents.

The following diagrams have links to example documents that the ESDIS Project uses to control the interfaces. More than one document may describe an interface. The sample documents presented here draw mostly from the ICESat-I mission.

EOSDIS Interfaces

Click on a link to see an example document that ESDIS uses to control the interface between two system components
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Updated 10/25/2011

Project Life Cycle

Click on a link to see an example document that ESDIS uses to control the interface between two system components
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Updated 10/25/2011

EOSDIS Interface Document Acronyms

Type Name Purpose
W/A Working Agreement A W/A outlines the working commitments made between the ESDIS Project and another organization for developing, implementing and/or operating portions of the data system.
 -- Project Plan The Project Plan contains the technical approaches and management plans to implement the project requirements. It defines, at a high level, the scope of the project, the implementation approach, the environment within which the project operates, and the baseline commitments of the program and project. (from NPR 7120.5D)
DMR Detailed Mission Requirements (DMRs) DMRs include Mission-Specific Requirements Documents (MSRDs) and mission requirement documents (e.g., Ground System Requirements Documents (GSRDs), and Mission Operations Requirements Documents (MORDs)). DMRs contain the results of the requirements identification and derivation activities and provide the basis for system design for individual missions.
ATBD Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document An ATBD describes the physical and mathematical description of the algorithms to be used in the generation of data products. It includes a description of variance and uncertainty estimates and considerations of calibration and validation, exception control, and diagnostics. In some cases, internal and external data product flows are required.
ADURD Archiving, Distribution and User Services Requirements in EOSDIS This document provides generic requirements for data archiving, data distribution and user services for EOSDIS-supported data.
DFCD Data Format Control Documents Data Format Control Documents (DFCDs), and other data format documents (e.g., Data Format Requirements Documents (DFRDs)), define the formats of data units that are transferred across an interface and the control codes used in the data formats.
IRD Interface Requirements Documents IRDs define the requirements for data exchanges across an interface between separately managed systems or subsystems. The requirements statements in IRDs are derived directly from project requirements documents.
ICD Interface Control Documents ICDs are used to record design agreements for the interfaces between participating organizations. ICDs provide a means to evaluate and control all mutually interdependent and/or interacting design parameters of the interface
OA Operations Agreements Operations Agreements are even lower level, more detailed interface documents that are created to help define the operations use of the interfaces, including such things as addresses, phone numbers, and names of responsible personnel. These documents are not intended for project-level development and control.
MRT Mission Readiness Test Plan The MRT plan documents the strategy that will be used to verify and ensure that all system components working together meet design specifications and requirements for the mission.