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Meetings Workshops & Events

This meetings, workshops, and event listing represents the science and technology events that NASA's Science Mission Directorate, the Earth Science Data Information Systems (ESDIS), and others within the Earth Science Division will be supporting with NASA exhibits.

Name Date Location Themes
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Annual Conference 3/24/2013 to 3/28/2013 Baltimore, MD Confluence by the Bay - A Gathering of Geospatial Insights
American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting & Exposition 4/7/2013 to 4/11/2013 New Orleans, LA Chemistry of Energy & Food
Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting 4/9/2013 to 4/13/2013 Los Angeles, CA Climate Change, Variability, Adaptation and Justice
35th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment 4/22/2013 to 4/26/2013 Beijing, China "Earth Observation and Global Environmental Change - 50 Years of Remote Sensing: Progress and Prospects"