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  • Enroll Now in NIC's 5 Remaining FY2012 VILT Courses!

    Enroll Now for One or More of NIC's Virtual Instructor Led Training Courses! Registration is now open in the NIC Learning Center ( ) for our 5 remaining FY2012 Virtual Instructor Led (VILT) offerings (see full descriptions below)! To enroll in any VILT, log onto http://nic.learn...
    Posted to Correctional Trainers (Forum) by Leslie LeMaster on Mon, Jul 30 2012
  • Cyber Security

    NICIC is looking for curricula or training modules/handouts and agency policies around social networking from the point of view of those incarcerated or on supervision, as well as staff. Please let me/us know if you have any information you can share. Inquiring agencies and their training directors want...
    Posted to Correctional Trainers (Forum) by Liz Craig on Tue, Nov 15 2011
  • Safely Handling Unknown Substances

    Does anyone have a task sheet or policy on handling unknown substances: Example, during the search of an inmate's property during booking, powder found in an envelope. Need something along the lines of Universal/Standard precautions. 1. Don't touch it; 2. Don't put your nose in it; 3. Do...
    Posted to Correctional Trainers (Forum) by Deanna Axland on Wed, Nov 9 2011
  • Staff Rfresher Training on PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act)

    We are working on yearly PREA staff refresher training. What do you do in this area and can you share your training? I have posted this question to the National PREA REsourse Workgroup also.
    Posted to Correctional Trainers (Forum) by Kila Jager on Fri, Oct 21 2011
  • Mid Level Management / Internal Investigations

    Does anybody have any training material on Mid Level Management or Internal Investigations? If so please email to Thanks and stay safe,
    Posted to Correctional Trainers (Forum) by nickgallam on Tue, Aug 30 2011
  • Correctional Industries' Regional Training

    Registration is now open for a three-day workforce development regional training opportunity, “Enhancing Correctional Industries’ Role in Reentry”. This training will be held at the Radisson at Star Plaza in Merrillville, IN on September 21 – 23, 2011. While registration is free...
    Posted to Correctional Trainers (Forum) by pelizabethtaylor on Fri, Aug 12 2011
  • Thinking for a Change 3.0

    For those of you who use or work with those who use NIC's Thinking for a Change curriculum. Please spread the word: It's almost here! Was it worth the wait? Find out for yourself by joining NIC's next satellite broadcast on May 11, 2011, 12:00 EDT. During this 3 hour broadcast, we plan on...
    Posted to Correctional Trainers (Forum) by michaelguevara on Fri, Apr 8 2011
  • PREA Juvenile Corrections National Work Group

    I would like to form a national work group for Juvenile Correction agencies in regards to PREA. Sharing information, concerns, implimentation questions and answers, funding, resource developmentdevelop a national conference specific to Juvenile Corrections, and work together so we are not all re-inventing...
    Posted to Correctional Trainers (Forum) by Kila Jager on Fri, Apr 8 2011
  • Re: Spanish for Corrections Staff

    Matt-- I just returned from Scott City where I gave a 2 1/2 day course for SW Kansas law enforcement officers--and I'd love to come back for another class (especially in a little warmer weather, to enjoy Scott Lake Park). Command Spanish(r) is the oldest and most widely recognized company providing...
    Posted to Correctional Trainers (Forum) by MaryjaneDW on Fri, Jan 21 2011
  • Re: Critical Incident Practice Drills

    I conducted a drill during a certification for our medical staff. I had gotten a smoke generator from the local high school stage crew. I placed the smoke maker in our returning inmate area. The drill was that an inmate returned from work release with a bomb and it went off early injuring a boat load...
    Posted to Correctional Trainers (Forum) by SGTR on Thu, Oct 21 2010
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