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Human & Environmental Health

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Human &
  • ISLSCP II Edgar 3 Gridded Greenhouse and Ozone Precursor Gas Emissions
  • 2010 Environmental Performance Index - Measurement of 163 countries on 25 environmental indicators including environmental health, air pollution, water resources, biodiversity and habitat, productive natural resources and climate change
  • Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) - Searchable relational database containing international environmental treaties, treaty summaries, treaty status files and natural resource indicators
  • Environmental Sustainability - a web site providing access to data from a wide range of environmental sustainability indicator efforts such as 1) Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity, 2) National Resource Management Index, 3) Environmental Performance Index, and 4) Environmental Sustainability Index
  • Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis - A set of global geospatial data on six major natural hazards and associated risks of mortality and economic loss
  • Global Distribution of Poverty - A collection of subnational, spatially explicit poverty data sets for selected proxy measures of poverty at global and national scales
  • Environmental Treaty Conference of Party (ENTRI COP) Decision Documents - Full text decision documents for all meetings of the conference of parties (COPs) of ten major international environmental agreements
  • 2011 Terraviva! SEDAC Viewer DVD - Map viewer and software application that enables the visualization and integration of hundreds of socioeconomic and environmental variables, including SEDAC and satellite-based data
  • Anthropogenic Biomes - 21 anthropogenic biomes based on population density, land use, biota, climate, terrain and geology
  • 2005 Environmental Sustainability Index - A measure of overall progress toward environmental sustainability, developed for 146 countries
  • China Dimensions Data (e.g. Chinese County-Level Data on Hospitals and Epidemiology Stations, 1950-1985)
  • Indicators of Coastal Water Quality
  • Global Cholera Dataset, v1 (1938-2007): a dataset of cholera cases by country published in the World Health Organization Weekly Epidemiological Records and compiled into one data set by the Spatial Health Research Group UNC-Chapel Hill