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Global Earth Science Community

ESDIS Project plays an active role in the overall community of organizations developing and operating data and information systems throughout the world. First, the Project helps with management of NASA’s Community Data Systems Programs. NASA Headquarters established the Earth Science Data System Working Groups (ESDSWG) in 2004. These working groups focus on the exploration and development of recommendations derived from pertinent community insights of NASA's heterogeneous and distributed Earth science data systems. The ESDIS Project coordinates and manages the activities of the four working groups constituting the ESDSWG. The ESDIS Project facilitates interoperability across U.S. and global data system entities through active participation in Interagency and International groups. Also, the ESDIS Project and the EOSDIS Data Centers play a major role in the broader Data System Communities including the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP Federation) and various standards bodies.