<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <% ' Loads a file and executes it as an ASP file. ' Needed to perform dynamic execution of BSP/FUSE ' and can be useful down the road Function GetFileContentsForExecution(aspFileFragmentPath) Dim oFSO, sContents 'Obtain a reference to the FileSystemObject Set oFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Obtain the file contents sContents = oFSO.OpenTextFile(Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & aspFileFragmentPath).ReadAll Set oFSO = Nothing 'reference to the FileSystemObject 'Remove the ASP scripting tags sContents = Replace (sContents, "<" & "%", "") sContents = Replace (sContents, "%" & ">", "") GetFileContentsForExecution = sContents End Function ' Grabs the node value of the responseXML returned ' by the CSWP_DOC_INFO service. This is used to ' display metadata on the confirmation page. Function GetXmlNodeValue(objXmlRowNode, strNodeName) Dim objXmlNode, objXmlNodeValue Set objXmlNode = objXmlRowNode.selectSingleNode("@" & strNodeName) If (objXmlNode Is Nothing) Then Set objXmlNode = objXmlRowNode.selectSingleNode("idc:field[@name='" & strNodeName & "']") End If If (Not (objXmlNode Is Nothing)) Then GetXmlNodeValue = objXmlNode.Text End If End Function %> <%dim instanceName%> <%dim serverAddr%> <%dim visitorIP%> <%dim displayAllBSP%> <%dim fuseType%> <%dim cswpProgram%> <%instanceName = "build"%> <%serverAddr = "http" & "://" & "build.export.gov" & "/build/idcplg"%> <%visitorIP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")%>
<% dim siteURL siteURL = Request.ServerVariables("server_name") if siteURL =("export.gov") then response.Write("") else end if %>

FAQ: Trade Problems

How is dumping or subsidization remedied?

What is the role of the International Trade Commission in AD/CVD investigations?

My company can’t win foreign contracts even though our bids are superior. What do I do?

I am afraid somebody is stealing my design. How can I protect myself?

I can’t get my products out of customs. How can I get help!

What do all of these Free Trade Agreements do for me?

I am having problems getting paid. How can I get help?

What International Trade Scams should I be on the watch for?

How is dumping or subsidization remedied?

If a U.S. industry believes that it is being injured by unfair competition through dumping or subsidization of a foreign product, it may request the imposition of antidumping or countervailing duties by filing a petition with both Import Administration and the United States International Trade Commission. Import Administration investigates foreign producers and governments to determine whether dumping or subsidization has occurred and calculates the amount of dumping or subsidies.

What is the role of the International Trade Commission in AD/CVD investigations?

The International Trade Commission determines whether the domestic industry is suffering material injury as a result of the imports of the dumped or subsidized products. The International Trade Commission considers all relevant economic factors, including the domestic industry's output, sales, market share, employment, and profits. For further information on the International Trade Commission's injury investigation, see http://www.usitc.gov. Both the International Trade Commission and Import Administration must make affirmative preliminary determinations for an investigation to go forward.

My company can’t win foreign contracts even though our bids are superior. What do I do?

The Advocacy Center helps to ensure that sales of U.S. products and services have the best possible chance competing abroad by leveling the playing field on behalf of U.S. business interests as they compete against foreign firms for specific international contracts or other U.S. export opportunities.

I am afraid somebody is stealing my design. How can I protect myself?

If you feel your company’s intellectual property rights (IPR) have been, or may be adversely affected by a pirated and counterfeit goods, you may file a complaint electronically with the Trade Compliance Center within the International Trade Administration.

The Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Abroad section of Export.gov provides additional information on protecting IPR abroad.

I can’t get my products out of customs. How can I get help!

If your company is experiencing a problem with a foreign customs house, make sure you’ve corrected the identifying problem. To further resolve customs problems, try the following:

  • Involve the buyer/importer. Chances are they can help or at least find out what needs to be done to resolve the problem.
  • Involve your shipping company. Most shippers are responsive to the customs problems faced by their customers.
  • Involve your insurance company.
  • Contact the foreign customs' office.
  • Contact the Commercial Service office in the appropriate country.

What do all of these Free Trade Agreements do for me?

Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) can help your company to enter and compete more easily in the global marketplace. Trade agreements help level the international playing field and encourage foreign governments to adopt open and transparent rulemaking procedures, as well as non-discriminatory laws and regulations. FTAs help strengthen business climates by eliminating or reducing tariff rates, improving intellectual property regulations, opening government procurement opportunities, easing investment rules, and much more.

I am having problems getting paid. How can I get help?

In international trade, problems involving bad debts are more easily avoided than rectified after they occur. Credit checks and services such as the international company profile can also limit the risks. Refer to the Help Getting Paid section of Export.gov for additional information resolving payment problems.

What International Trade Scams should I be on the watch for?

U.S. companies must be aware of international business scams and illegitimate trade deals. The International Trade Scams portion of Export.gov gives specific details about these illegitimate business deals, how to help companies identify if they are the target of a scam, and where to report possible scams.