<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <% ' Loads a file and executes it as an ASP file. ' Needed to perform dynamic execution of BSP/FUSE ' and can be useful down the road Function GetFileContentsForExecution(aspFileFragmentPath) Dim oFSO, sContents 'Obtain a reference to the FileSystemObject Set oFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Obtain the file contents sContents = oFSO.OpenTextFile(Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & aspFileFragmentPath).ReadAll Set oFSO = Nothing 'reference to the FileSystemObject 'Remove the ASP scripting tags sContents = Replace (sContents, "<" & "%", "") sContents = Replace (sContents, "%" & ">", "") GetFileContentsForExecution = sContents End Function ' Grabs the node value of the responseXML returned ' by the CSWP_DOC_INFO service. This is used to ' display metadata on the confirmation page. Function GetXmlNodeValue(objXmlRowNode, strNodeName) Dim objXmlNode, objXmlNodeValue Set objXmlNode = objXmlRowNode.selectSingleNode("@" & strNodeName) If (objXmlNode Is Nothing) Then Set objXmlNode = objXmlRowNode.selectSingleNode("idc:field[@name='" & strNodeName & "']") End If If (Not (objXmlNode Is Nothing)) Then GetXmlNodeValue = objXmlNode.Text End If End Function %> <%dim instanceName%> <%dim serverAddr%> <%dim visitorIP%> <%dim displayAllBSP%> <%dim fuseType%> <%dim cswpProgram%> <%instanceName = "build"%> <%serverAddr = "http" & "://" & "build.export.gov" & "/build/idcplg"%> <%visitorIP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")%>
<% dim siteURL siteURL = Request.ServerVariables("server_name") if siteURL =("export.gov") then response.Write("") else end if %>

Other Legal Resources

What are some other legal resources?

Office of the Chief Counsel for International Commerce

The Commerce Department’s Office of the Chief Counsel for International Commerce has posted useful background information on its website. Focusing mostly on export and investment issues, this website contains resources on various legal issues facing exporters.

District Export Councils

District Export Councils (DECs) are organizations of leaders from the local business community, whose knowledge of international business provides a source of professional advice for local firms. Many DEC members are practicing attorneys. For more than 25 years, DECs have served the U.S. by assisting companies in their local communities export. For more information regarding District Export Councils, call the Trade Information Center at 1-800-USA-TRAD(E) or contact your local export assistance center.

American Bar Association

Another useful source for legal information is the American Bar Association (ABA). The ABA publishes numerous books on the subject of international business. Some of these publications include guides to the legal aspects of doing business in specific countries and guides to foreign law firms and law groups abroad. The ABA’s complete catalog is available on the web.