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The Head Start Orientation Guide for Health Coordinators

The Head Start Orientation Guide for Health Coordinators was developed to assist health coordinators in providing quality health services to Head Start families. The Guide is a collection of existing resources that are supported by the Head Start Program Performance Standards. 

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The purpose of this Guide is to support health coordinators and health service teams with direction and guidance in their work to provide health services in Head Start. The Guide provides an overview on the roles and responsibilities of the health coordinator, the Health Services Advisory Committee (HSAC), the health-related responsibilities of family service workers, and other Head Start staff.

This Guide is a compilation of existing training and technical assistance (T/TA) resources, policy clarifications, and suggested program practices. It is not intended to be an exhaustive collection of all available online and print resources. The materials that you and your Head Start program have found helpful should be used with this Guide. Additionally, resources within this Guide can be adapted to better serve your program.

The Early Childhood Development and Health Services Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) are stated at the beginning of each section of the Guide. These standards are the mandatory regulations that grantees and delegate agencies must comply with to operate a Head Start and/or an Early Head Start (EHS) program. This Guide offers suggestions for health coordinators to consider, in collaboration with the HSAC, in meeting those standards. As Head Start programs differ in size, children served, staffing, and geographic region, programs may differ in how the mandatory regulations are implemented. 

Select this link to download the Head Start Orientation Guide for Health Coordinators [PDF, 1.4MB] in its entirety.

You may also view Segment 1: Introduction from the Guide's webinar tutorial series to better understand how to use this resource.

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Part 1: Overview of Health Services in Head Start

Blackboard with the word history written on itThis section provides a brief history of the Head Start program. It describes the importance of health services for overall child development and explains the role of parents, the Health Services Advisory Committee, family service workers, and other staff members in the coordination of services. Overview of Health Services in Head Start» [PDF, 400KB]

View Part 1: Overview of Health Services in Head Start Webinar from the Orientation Guide's tutorial series.


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Part 2: Getting Health Services Started

Male doctor looking over a chartThis portion of the Guide offers direction to health coordinators in assisting families in locating and maintaining a medical and dental home. Additionally, it identifies strategies and outlines verification procedures to ensure that the requirements are met for the Well-Child Visit. Health managers may review resources such as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) programs. Getting Health Services Started» [PDF, 668KB]

View Part 2: Getting Health Services Started Webinar from the Orientation Guide's tutorial series.


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Part 3: Continuing Health Services Delivery

Woman holding a child with a doctor behind themThis chapter highlights the partnership between the Office of Head Start (OHS) and American Academy of Pediatric Dentists (AAPD), known as the Dental Health Initiative, and its commitment to meeting the dental health needs of Head Start children. Furthermore, it discusses the role of the health manager in training program staff to comply with health and safety standards, and it addresses collaboration with the nutrition manager in meeting the dietary needs of Head Start children. Continuing Health Service Delivery» [PDF, 466KB]

View Part 3: Continuing Health Service Delivery Webinar from the Orientation Guide's tutorial series.


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Part 4: Addressing Individual Child Health Needs and Keeping Children Healthy

Multiple colors of crayonsThis segment of the Guide outlines the roles and responsibilities of program staff and community providers in ensuring a systematic and comprehensive approach to the individual health needs of Head Start children. Addressing Individual Child Health Needs and Keeping Children Healthy» [PDF, 410KB]

View Part 4: Addressing Individual Child Health Needs and Keeping Children Healthy Webinar from the Orientation Guide's tutorial series.



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Part 5: Systems that Support Health Services

A line of filesThis section reviews systems that support health services in Head Start. Health services plans are developed based on the Community Assessment and Self-Assessment process. It suggests data sources, such as the Program Information Report (PIR), risk management process, and public health data, to identify the health needs of the population served. Systems that Support Health Services» [PDF, 370KB]

View Part 5: Systems that Support Health Services and Other Resources Webinar from the Orientation Guide's tutorial series.


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Part 6: Other Resources

A stack of books with one book open on a tableThis part provides additional resources and guidance located on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) and other government websites. It also references helpful local relationships with the Head Start State Collaboration Directors, statewide health coalitions, and state and regional TA providers. In this section, there are documents that programs may download for use as education materials. Other Resources» [PDF, 193KB]



You may also download the following resources:

  • Head Start, Parents, and Doctors: A Partnership for Healthy Children For Head Start Staff: Helping Parents Advocate for their Child's Care (English) [PDF, 42.5 KB]
  • Head Start, padres y médicos: Una asociación para niños saludables Para el personal de Head Start: Ayudar a los padres a abogar por la atención médica de sus hijos (Espanol) [PDF, 43.0KB]
  • Head Start, Parents, and Doctors: A Partnership for Healthy Children The Well Child Visit (English) [PDF, 71KB]
  • Head Start, padres y médicos: Una asociación para niños saludables: Consultas de rutina (Espanol) [PDF, 72.2KB]
  • Head Start, Parents, and Doctors: A Partnership for Healthy Children: Children and Dental Care [PDF, 58KB]
  • How Healthy is Your HSAC? [PDF, 124KB]
  • Health Services Milestones [PDF, 85KB]
  • Individual Care Plan-Format A [PDF, 26KB]
  • Individual Care Plan-Format B [PDF, 19KB]
  • Implementation of Services and Partnerships [PDF, 22KB]


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    The Head Start Orientation Guide for Health Coordinators. HHS/ACF/OHS. 2009. English.

    Last Reviewed: February 2011