United States Department of Veterans Affairs

CPRS Tab by Tab Training

This version of the training is based on CPRS version 27.

Notes on course function:
  • The speed in loading of course segments will depend on your connection speed, some sections are large and will take longer to load before displaying
  • During execution of the course, the course menu will display completed sections with a check mark next to them.
  • If you refresh your browser during the course or exit and return, the record of completed sections will not display those completed previously. As such, trainees should track completed sections manually.
  • The ability to print a certificate of completion for the course is now available
Certificate Printing Notes:
  • Once all sections have been completed, the certificate printing will be available
  • The certificate is available at the end of Section 27 (last section)
  • At the conclusion of section 27, click Next Section and follow the instructions for printing a certificate

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