United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Office of Acquisition and Logistics — About Us

National Acquisition Center—National Contract Service

Department of Veterans Affairs National Acquisition Center's National Contract ServiceThe National Contract Service (NCS) encompasses such commodities as high tech medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, direct-to-patient distribution, I.V. solutions and sets, therapeutic dietary supplements, influenza vaccine, prescription vials, medical and surgical supplies, dental supplies and equipment, and just-in-time prime vendor distribution programs for pharmaceutical, subsistence and medical/surgical items.  This Service has responsibility for National Contracts and Blanket Purchase Agreements, in support of National Standardization, which are established under the Federal Supply Schedule Program.  Most of the solicitations for these contracts and agreements are competitive, best value procurements with a performance period of one year with up to four option years.  All of these programs are open to VA medical centers and related facilities, other government agencies, and some State Veterans Homes.

NCS Programs