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What's New in the Prints & Photographs Division

June - September 2009

Publications & Events | Flickr Project | Recently Processed | Reference & Resources | Exhibitions | Featured Acquisitions

Publications & Events

Baseball Americana Symposium

Friday, October 2 and Saturday, October 3, 2009
Thomas Jefferson Building, Library of Congress

A celebration of our national pastime and the publication of a new book featuring hundreds of historic baseball images, Baseball Americana: Treasures from the Library of Congress, which will be published by HarperCollins on September 29, 2009. The symposium will examine baseball from a number of perspectives, particularly the viewpoints of people who experience the game at home, in the stands, and on the field. Registration is required for some symposium events.

More information

Baseball symposium banner

Montage: Daniel Jenks drawing and photo of woman worker in World War II

YouTube Videos about Pictures

Presentations featuring the Library's pictorial holdings are among the videos gaining popularity in the Library of Congress YouTube channel. "Journeys & Crossings" presentations on Daniel Jenks's drawings of his westward journey in the mid-nineteenth century and representations of "Rosie the Riveter" have received high ratings.

View YouTube - Journeys & Crossings

Additional Library of Congress events are listed on the Library Today page

Flickr Project

For information about the Flickr project, view the Flickr Project page.

Kilchurn Castle, Loch Awe, Scotland

[Kilchurn Castle, Loch Awe, Scotland]. Photochrom print, between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900.

Photochrom travel views of Scotland

Recently added to the "Photochrom Travel View" set in Flickr were 182 travel views of Scotland. Flickr members have responded enthusiastically with many "then-and-now" comparisons.

View Photochrom Travel Views of Scotland on Flickr

Indicommons blog spreads word of Flickr Commons

The Indicommons blog ( represents outreach from the Flickr Commons group beyond Flickr, to broaden knowledge of The Commons among the public and civic institutions around the world and to increase participation by the public in the Commons. Postings include interviews with individuals involved with the Commons, news of contributing repositories, and comments on content found in the Commons.

Visit Indicommons blog

Indicommons blog page

Kilchurn Castle, Loch Awe, Scotland

Dorothea Lange, photographer. Destitute pea pickers in California ("Migrant Mother"), 1936 Feb. or Mar.

FSA/OWI Favorites

Featuring 10 of the most frequently requested photos plus 15 staff selections to introduce the vast archive of about 170,000 negatives and 107,000 prints from the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information showing life in America during the Great Depression and World War II

View FSA/OWI Favorites on Flickr

Collections Recently Processed or Made Available Online

All are available through the Prints and Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC).

Korab Collection

 Interior and exterior views by master architectural photographer Balthazar Korab document nineteen sites by renowned architect Eero Saarinen.

More information

MIT Kresge Auditorium and Chapel photographed by Balthazar Korab
Balthazar Korab, photographer. MIT Kresge Auditorium and Chapel, 1950-55


Suidōbashi surugadai by Hiroshige Ando

Hiroshige Andō, artist. Suidōbashi surugadai. Color woodcut, 1857.

Japanese Prints & Drawings

All images now have titles (Japanese and English translation) and subjects, enhancing searching and identification of these woodblock prints and drawings, which date from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries.

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The Library's Junior Fellows selected more than 60 cards to indicate the wide variety of subjects and styles available in this visual format.

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A carload of mammoth navel oranges from California (postcard)
A carload of mammoth navel oranges from California, copyrighted 1909


Reference and Resources

Reference information is available from the Information for Researchers, Lists of Images on Popular Topics and Collection Guides and Finding Aids pages.

National Photo Company Collection image sampler page


National Photo Company Collection Image Sampler

Some staff favorites provide a sampling of the flavors to be savored in the National Photo Company Collection. Available as a slide show.

View the sampler

Marjory Collins - Photojournalist

An overview of the life and work of Marjory Collins has been added to the Women Photojournalists Web pages.

View the overview

View the Women Photojournalists pages

Sibyll. Chiaroscuro woodcut by Bartolomeo Coriolano

Sibyll. Chiaroscuro woodcut by Bartolomeo Coriolano, [between 1630 and 1655].

Pembroke Album

An overview and checklist of the 90 prints and 1 drawing English collectors Philip and Thomas Herbert, the 5th and 8th Earls of Pembroke, assembled between ca. 1683 and 1733. The prints are primarily chiaroscuro woodcuts by Italian printmakers active in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

View the reference aid

"Also Rans: Losing Presidential Candidates of the United States"

A selection of portraits of candidates who ran unsuccessfully for U.S. president in each election (but who sometimes succeeded in other election years!)

View the reference aid

William Jennings Bryan
William Jennings Bryan. Copyrighted 1896 Oct. 3.


Items from the Prints & Photographs Division are well represented in the following Library of Congress exhibitions. A full list of Library of Congress exhibitions is available on the Exhibitions page.

Exhibition and book:  Form and Movement: Photographs by Philip Trager

July 11, 2009 - January 3, 2010
National Building Museum, Washington, D.C.

More information (via National Building Museum site)

Philip Trager, photographer. Glastonbury
Philip Trager, photographer. Glastonbury. 1976. National Building Museum

Featured Acquisitions

Information on the division's acquisitions program is available on the Acquisition and Appraisal Information page.

Spiderman Drawings

The Library acquired 24 pages of original 1962 drawings from “Amazing Fantasy #15,” which marked the first time the world’s most famous web-slinger, Spider-Man, would appear in print anywhere. The Spider-Man origin story in “Amazing Fantasy” was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko; the pages are Ditko originals, complete with pencil erasures and white-out opaquing fluid.

View images and description | More information (via LC blog)

Spider-man! Drawing by Steve Ditko
Steve Ditko, artist. Spider-man! Drawing, 1962.

James Kelly, artist. August. Color lithograph, 1952

Charles Randall Dean Collection

This exceptional collection of 125 Abstract Expressionist prints from the 1940s to the 1960s includes work by such noted American artists as James Budd Dixon, Sonia Gechtoff, Philip Guston, Grace Hartigan, James Kelly, Lee Krasner, Frank Lobdell, and Hedda Sterne. The collection is a purchase and gift from Charles Randall Dean in 2009

More information (press release)

Daguerreotype of Edwin McMasters Stanton and Son

The Library recently acquired a unique half-plate daguerreotype of American lawyer and politician Edwin Stanton formally posed with his son a few years before Stanton became U.S. Attorney General for President Buchanan (1860-61) and then Secretary of War for Presidents Lincoln and Johnson (1862-68). Purchase and gift from the James Madison Council and George S. Whiteley, IV.

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Edwin McMasters Stanton, seated, with his son Edwin Lamson Stanton
Edwin McMasters Stanton, seated, with his son Edwin Lamson Stanton. Half plate daguerreotype, between between 1852 and 1855.

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  September 8, 2009
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