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2012 Small Business 2011 - Small Business Archive

Midpoint Standings in 2012 ENERGY STAR Battle of the Buildings Posted (November 2012)

At the half-way point of the 2012 National Building Competition: Battle of the Buildings, EPA held a midpoint weigh-in of all 3,200 competitors. The results? In the first six months of the competition, participants are posting big savings. Now entering the final stretch of the competition, building teams are pulling out all the stops to save event more energy and money, and protect the environment.   More

ENERGY STAR Buildings Partner Meeting to be Held 10/10/12 in Washington, DC (September 2012)

The first-ever ENERGY STAR Buildings Partner Meeting will be held October 10–11, 2012, at The Liaison Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The meeting will feature interactive sessions with leading ENERGY STAR partners who will share their proven best practices, as well as innovations in managing the energy use of their buildings. Jim Gibbons, President and CEO of Goodwill Industries International, and Jim Schlachter, Superintendent of Gresham-Barlow School District, will keynote.

Download the agenda and register at

EPA Kicks Off Third Annual ENERGY STAR National Building Competition (July 2012)

On July 25th, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR program launched the 2012 National Building Competition: Battle of the Buildings with a record 3,200 buildings across the country going head to head to improve energy efficiency, lower utility costs and protect health and the environment.

EPA Press Release

See the list of competitors, social media updates, interactive map of buildings and photos of the competition at .

EPA Honors the Best Energy-Efficient Building Designs (May 2012)

Today, at the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Convention in Washington, DC, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognized nearly 100 commercial building design projects submitted by 43 architecture firms that achieved Designed to Earn the Energy Star certification in the past year. Together, these projects which incorporate energy efficiency into their plans are estimated to prevent nearly 175,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually and save more than $23 million in annual energy costs across 10 million square feet of commercial space.

EPA Press Release

List of Cities with the Most ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings (April 2012)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the annual list of U.S. metropolitan areas with the most ENERGY STAR certified buildings for 2011. The list of 25 cities is headed by Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, New York, Houston, Dallas, Riverside, Calif. and Boston. By the end of 2011, the nearly 16,500 Energy Star certified buildings across America have helped save nearly $2.3 billion in annual utility bills and prevent greenhouse gas emissions equal to emissions from the annual energy use of more than 1.5 million homes.

EPA Press Release 

Top 25 Cities with Most ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings in 2011

ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings 2011 Only

Nearly Half of ENERGY STAR Leaders Meet President's 20% Energy Efficiency Improvement Goal (February 2012)

EPA’s ENERGY STAR framework provides pathway to success

New findings by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reveal that nearly half of the more than 200 organizations that have earned recognition as ENERGY STAR Leaders have improved the energy efficiency of their entire building portfolios by 20% or more. Last year, President Obama announced a nationwide call to action to make commercial buildings 20% more energy efficient by 2020. EPA’s ENERGY STAR program provides a strategic pathway toward superior energy efficiency, including a focus on ongoing performance measurement and whole-building improvement, that has helped these leading organizations achieve the President’s goal.
EPA Press Release