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Debt Collection

I'm a servicemember and I'm being harassed by a debt collector about a debt that I do not think I owe. Should I just pay up to make the debt collector go away. What are my rights and where can I get help?

You have the same rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act that civilians do. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) says debt collectors may not harass, oppress, or abuse you or any other people they contact. Some examples ...

Auto Loans

I am a member of the military or spouse/family member of a servicemember. Aren't there limits as to what I can get charged for a loan?

If the loan was obtained by the servicemember, or jointly by the servicemember and spouse, prior to active-duty military service, then the loan rate is capped by the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act of 2003 (SCRA) at 6% during active-duty military ...

Debt Collection

I am a few months behind in paying my credit card debt. A debt collector called and said that if I didn’t pay off my credit card debt in full he would have me prosecuted under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Can he do this?

A debt collector cannot prosecute you under the UCMJ - only the military can do that. However, servicemembers are expected to pay their just financial obligations in a proper and timely manner. Failure to pay a just obligation may result ...

Debt Collection

A debt collector has told me it is going to have my security clearance revoked because of being delinquent on my credit card bill. Can they do that?

The debt collector cannot influence the security manager about granting or extending your clearance.  A bad debt on your credit report can, however, lower your credit score, which may be considered when your security clearance is up for review. Servicemembers ...

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