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Staff of the Weather Prediction Center

This listing reflects the WPC staff assigned as of January 9, 2012. Participation in this list is voluntary.

Front Office
Director Jim Hoke
Deputy Director Kevin McCarthy
Administrative Officer Crystal Rickett
Secretary Marsha Morstad
Development and Training Branch
Branch Chief David Novak
Science and Operations Officer Wallace Hogsett
International Desks Coordinator Michel Davison
Meteorologist Developers Chris Bailey
  Michael Bodner
  Keith Brill
  Mark Klein
  Alan Robson
Forecast Operations Branch
Branch Chief Edwin Danaher
Senior Branch Forecasters Vacant
  Brian Korty
  Robert Oravec
  Bruce Sullivan
  Bruce Terry
Forecasters Richard Bann
  Patrick Burke
  James Cisco
  Anthony Fracasso
  Mary Beth Gerhardt
  David Hamrick
  Brian Hurley
  Kenneth James
  Paul Kocin
  Michael Musher
  Andrew Orrison
  Richard Otto
  Frank Pereira
  Daniel Petersen
  Robert L.M. Rausch
  David Roth
  Brendon Rubin-Oster
  Michael Schichtel
  Michael Vojtesak
  Paul Ziegenfelder
Surface Analysts Amanda Fanning
  Jason Krekeler
  Kwan-Yin Kong
  Allison Monarski
  Sean Ryan
Meteorological Technician William McReynolds

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College Park, Maryland 20740
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Page last modified: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2013 13:08:51 UTC