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WPC Verification

Forecast Products
QPF's:    24-Hourly    6-Hourly    Days 4-5    5-Day Total
Medium Range:    Min Temps    Max Temps    Prob of Pcpn (PoP)    WPC Grids
Sea-level Pressure
Verification for specific events:    Hurricane Isaac QPF    Hurricane Sandy QPF

Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts

How Threat Scores and Bias are Computed

24-Hourly QPF's

Monthly Record Threat Scores

Annual WPC Day-1 / Day-2 / Day-3 Threat Scores
and Observed Areal Coverage;
Annual WPC Day-1 / Day-2 / Day-3 Bias
.50 inch (1961-2012) 1.00 inch (1961-2012) 2.00 inches (1970-2012)
Threat Bias Threat Bias Threat Bias

Annual WPC vs. NWP Guidance Threat Scores
1.00 inch
Day 1 Threat Percent Improvement Over NWP

Monthly WPC vs. NWP Guidance Threat Scores and Bias
January 2012 to January 2013
.50 inch 1.00 inch 2.00 inches
Day 1 Threat Bias Threat Bias Threat Bias
Day 2 Threat Bias Threat Bias Threat Bias
Day 3 Threat Bias Threat Bias Threat Bias

Monthly WPC Threat Score and Bias Comparisons (.50", 1.00", 2.00")
January 2012 to January 2013
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Threat Bias Threat Bias Threat Bias

Monthly WPC Threat Score and Bias Comparisons (Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3)
January 2012 to January 2013
.50 inch 1.00 inch 2.00 inches
Threat Bias Threat Bias Threat Bias

NAM and GFS QPF Verification by Region

6-Hourly QPF's

Monthly Record Threat Scores

Monthly WPC vs. NWP Guidance Threat Scores
January 2012 to January 2013
00-06 Hours .25 inch .50 inch

Monthly WPC vs. NWP Guidance Threat Scores
Day 1
January 2012 to January 2013
06-12 Hours .25 inch .50 inch
12-18 Hours .25 inch .50 inch
18-24 Hours .25 inch .50 inch
24-30 Hours .25 inch .50 inch

Monthly WPC vs. NWP Guidance Threat Scores
Day 2
January 2012 to January 2013
30-36 Hours .25 inch .50 inch
36-42 Hours .25 inch .50 inch
42-48 Hours .25 inch .50 inch
48-54 Hours .25 inch .50 inch

Monthly WPC vs. NWP Guidance Threat Scores
Day 3
January 2012 to January 2013
54-60 Hours .25 inch .50 inch
60-66 Hours .25 inch .50 inch
66-72 Hours .25 inch .50 inch
72-78 Hours .25 inch .50 inch

WPC vs. NWP Guidance - Threat Scores
February 2012 to January 2013
All 6-Hour Periods .25 inch .50 inch

Days 4-5 QPF's

Monthly WPC vs. NWP Guidance Threat Scores and Bias
January 2012 to January 2013
.50 inch 1.00 inch 2.00 inches
Threat Bias Threat Bias Threat Bias

Monthly WPC Threat Score and Bias Comparisons
.50", 1.00", 2.00"
January 2012 to January 2013
Threat Bias

5-Day Total QPF's

Monthly WPC vs. NWP Guidance Threat Scores and Bias
January 2012 to January 2013
.50 inch 1.00 inch 2.00 inches 3.00 inches 4.00 inches
Threat Bias Threat Bias Threat Bias Threat Bias Threat Bias

Monthly WPC Threat Score and Bias Comparisons
.50", 1.00", 2.00", 3.00", 4.00"
January 2012 to January 2013
Threat Bias

Medium-Range Forecasts

Overview of data plotted on annual charts

Minimum Temperatures

Annual Mean Absolute Error (MAE) Charts (1972 - 2012)
WPC MAE for days 3-7 min temp fcsts
WPC -vs- Guidance MAE for day 3 min temp fcsts
WPC -vs- Guidance MAE for day 4 min temp fcsts
WPC -vs- Guidance MAE for day 5 min temp fcsts
WPC -vs- Guidance MAE for day 6 min temp fcsts
WPC -vs- Guidance MAE for day 7 min temp fcsts

Monthly Performance Charts (January 2011 - January 2012)
WPC RMS errors for Days 3-7 min temp fcsts
WPC percent improvement over MOS MAE (adjusted stations only) for Days 3-7 min temp fcsts
WPC winning percent vs MOS for Days 3-7 min temp fcsts

Year-to-Date Performance Chart (January-December 2012)
WPC improvement over MOS MAE, including percentage of stations adjusted, for Days 3-7 min temp fcsts

Maximum Temperatures

Annual Mean Absolute Error (MAE) Charts (1972 - 2012)
WPC MAE for days 3-7 max temp fcsts
WPC -vs- Guidance MAE for day 3 max temp fcsts
WPC -vs- Guidance MAE for day 4 max temp fcsts
WPC -vs- Guidance MAE for day 5 max temp fcsts
WPC -vs- Guidance MAE for day 6 max temp fcsts
WPC -vs- Guidance MAE for day 7 max temp fcsts

Monthly Performance Charts (January 2011 - January 2012)
WPC RMS errors for Days 3-7 max temp fcsts
WPC percent improvement over MOS MAE (adjusted stations only) for Days 3-7 max temp fcsts
WPC winning percent vs MOS for Days 3-7 max temp fcsts

Year-to-Date Performance Chart (January-December 2012)
WPC improvement over MOS MAE, including percentage of stations adjusted, for Days 3-7 max temp fcsts

Probability of Precipitation (PoP)

Monthly Performance Charts - 24-Hour PoP (January 2011 - January 2012)
WPC Brier scores for days 3-7 PoP fcsts
WPC percent improvement over MOS Brier score (adjusted stations only) for days 3-7 PoP fcsts
WPC winning percent vs MOS for Days 3-7 PoP fcsts

Year-to-Date Performance Chart - 24-Hour PoP (January-December 2012)
WPC improvement over MOS Brier score, including percentage of stations adjusted, for Days 3-7 PoP fcsts

Monthly Performance Charts - 12-Hour PoP (January 2012 - January 2013)
WPC Brier scores for days 3-7 12-Hour PoP forecasts
WPC percent improvement over MOS Brier score for days 3-7 12-Hour PoP forecasts

WPC Gridded Medium-Range Forecasts

How grids are verified
Monthly Performance Charts (January 2013)
Note:  MAE = Mean Absolute Error
Forecasts prepared by WPC meteorologists
MOS/WPC/NDFD Minimum Temperature 
(Days 4-7)
MAE Bias
MOS/WPC/NDFD Maximum Temperature 
(Days 4-7)
MAE Bias
(Days 4-7)
Brier Score

Products derived from forecasts prepared by WPC meteorologists
MOS/WPC/NDFD Dew Point Temperature 
(valid every 6 hours from F90-F180)
MAE Bias
MOS/WPC/NDFD Wind Speed 
(valid every 6 hours from F90-F180)
MAE Bias
MOS/WPC/NDFD Wind Direction 
(valid every 6 hours from F90-F180)
MAE Bias
WPC/NDFD Cloud Cover 
(valid every 6 hours from F90-F180)
MAE Bias

Mean Sea Level Pressure (PMSL)

WPC -vs- Guidance Anomaly Correlations

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Page last modified: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2013 18:05:51 UTC