Sand dunes dominate the landscape in the North Algodones Dunes Wilderness Area.
Wild Burros Trona Pinnacles A field of California Poppies and other widflowers Desert Tortoise Wild Horses
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Ridgecrest Field Office

Environmental Documents

Whenever BLM or anyone else proposes a project on public lands managed by the BLM, the project must be analyzed to determine how it will affect the environment. Listed below are the four possible levels of environmental analysis:

AD - Administration Determination: An administrator determines that the project is already covered by an earlier analysis.

CX - Categorical Exclusion: The project falls into one of several categories of minor, routine projects excluded from needing more analysis.

DNA - Determination of NEPA Adequacy: Existing environmental documentation should be used whenever possible. If previous documents fully encompass the current proposed action, then no further review is needed. This finding should be documented. If the proposed action is partially covered by prior documents, a new NEPA review must be undertaken, but can incorporate those earlier documents by reference

EA - Environmental Assessment: The project is analyzed to see how it may affect the environment. This leads to a Finding of No significant Impact (FONSI) or, if the EA shows a significant impact is likely, an EIS is done.

EIS - Environmental Impact Statement: A detailed study is done and a report is written stating what the environmental impacts would be, and how they can be avoided or mitigated.

FY 2007 to Current Environmental Documents

FY 2006 Environmental Documents

FY 2005 Environmental Documents

FY 2004 Environmental Documents

FY 2003 Environmental Documents

FY 2002 Environmental Documents

FY 2001 Environmental Documents

FY 2000 Environmental Documents