Job Opportunities for Disabled American Veterans

Microsoft IT Academy Introduction

Note: To obtain a Student Access Code, you first need to present
proof that you are a disabled Veteran. To do so, email us your DD214 or a letter
from the VA. We will also accept an email from your DVOP or LVER. Please read
below to find out about our program. Also, our definition of disabled Veteran is
the same as the military (definition below).

WELCOME! disABLEDperson, Inc. through its job board Job
Opportunities for Disabled American Veterans is proud and privileged to offer
our country's heroes, our wounded warriors the opportunity to gain marketable
job skills through our Microsoft IT Academy Program of eLearning for Wounded
Warriors. We offer this to you as a free public service.

What we are offering to you is the opportunity for you to become proficient
in Microsoft products. Our current eLearning opportunities offer Microsoft
Office, Microsoft Dynamics and other Microsoft Products. To view all the courses
currently available to you, Go to the
IT Academy Website
. Currently, our program is at the Advanced level where
all the courses offered in the Microsoft IT Academy are available to you. Also
check out the
Microsoft IT Academy eLearning page

What is Microsoft IT Academy?

Microsoft's world-class Microsoft IT Academy curriculum will
help you obtain the hands-on skills and experience that you need to succeed in
technology careers. The program offers online learning, Hands-On Labs, and
access to hundreds of courses, books, cutting-edge resources, and collaboration
tools. Most important, you can earn valuable Microsoft Certifications, which can
increase your chances of getting a good job in today's tough economy. There is a
global need for people highly skilled in Microsoft technologies, and Microsoft
Certifications are the credentials you need to impress employers. This excerpted
from the
Microsoft IT Academy website

Who Qualifies for disABLEDperson, Inc.'s Microsoft IT Academy

disABLEDperson, Inc. is offering our program to disabled
American veterans/American wounded warriors only. That being said, we will
qualify all potential candidates into our program to ensure that they are indeed
American WWs. We will do so in the following ways: We are working with the
military's transition command centers. WWs who are transitioning from the
military to civilian life should contact their WW Command Center to find out how
to obtain a student access code. The WW command center will help you.

WWs who have been out of the military for a period of time and
want to participate are welcome as long as they qualify. How will these WWs
qualify? By presenting disABLEDperson, Inc. upon request with the proper
authentic documentation that you indeed sustained your disability while on
active duty with the U.S. Military. To do this, we suggest that you contact your
nearest state veteran representative. You can use this site to find that person.
. If this site doesn't work for
you, simply Google the terms DVOP or LVER and your state and a directory will
come up.

Veterans who have sustained a non military disability
do not qualify for our program. Our decision on program qualification and who
participates is ours alone and is final upon determination.

For WWs referred by DVOPs or LVERs, an email from these
counselors will do to qualify you.

Note: you will receive your student access code only
after you are qualified!

Once qualified, it is up
to you to search the

Microsoft IT Academy

to determine what courses and path you want to take. You can take up to 3
courses at a time for a designated period of time. We will allow you to complete
the necessary coursework for your chosen path. Some paths require 3 courses,
some 5, and others more.

IMPORTANT NOTE: disABLEDperson, Inc. is not a vocational institution
and this offering does not constitute any implication as such. We cannot and
will not help a WW determine a career path by suggesting courses that may lead
to a career path. The WW needs to make that determination themselves or with the
guidance of a trained vocational counselor. We are offering this program simply
as a public service and to give back to those who gave so much for us.

The eLearning courses are self paced and inclusive. There
are lessons and written materials within the program that will help you study.
Should the WW wish to purchase books or software, they can do so at their own
discretion. The book or software purchase transaction will be between the WW and
the Microsoft IT Academy Website. disABLEDperson, Inc. cannot and will not get
involved in any such transactions. These transactions are not part of our
non-profit mission and therefore we cannot be part of it.

Definition for the purposes of our program is the same as that of the military:
Veterans who have a 30 percent or more compensable disability that either
resulted from injury or disease received in the line of duty as a direct result
of armed conflict, or was caused by an instrumentality of war and was incurred
in the line of duty during a period of war as defined in section 101(11) of
title 38, U. S. C.

Steps to receiving your Student Access Code :

To receive your Student Access Code, you have to be qualified
for the program. You can do this by 1) Contacting your wounded warrior command
center, in the Army, Air Force or Marines. They have the ability to give you a
Student Access Code. 2) Contact your DVOP or LVER. This individual will qualify
you. Once they qualify you, they can send your qualifying information to We
will then generate a Student Access Code for you and email it back to you. 3)
You can access us directly at
. We will ask you for your qualifying
documentation. Once we receive your qualifying documentation and review it and
approve it, we will send you your Student Access Code. Remember that you need to
tell us the courses (up to 3) that you want to take before we can give you your
Student Access Code. Once you receive your code, you go to the
 Microsoft IT
Academy eLearning page
to input it and begin.


You must register on this site
to have access to the student website. Register, log in and then click on the
Microsoft IT Academy link on the right boarder. Note, once started, the program needs to be completed without any prolonged hiatus. Good Luck and Thank you for your

Should you have questions, please contact us at>