U.S. Department of Commerce


Without A High School Education

January 17, 2013

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This graph explores variation in high school education attainment within selected race and Hispanic origin groups by sex and nativity between regions. Attainment of a high school diploma (or equivalent level of education) is generally very high in the U.S., so this graph focuses on the percentage of the population 25 and older who do not have that level of education. There are notable differences between foreign-born and native population among many groups. For example, in the West, 57 percent of Hispanic foreign-born males had less than a high school education compared with 19 percent of Hispanic native-born males. Nineteen percent of Asian foreign-born females had less than a high school diploma compared with 5 percent of Asian native-born females.

SOURCE: 2011 ACS 1-year estimates
NOTE: As is the case with all surveys, statistics from sample surveys are subject to sampling and nonsampling error. The data table includes specific margins of error. Data are for the population 25 and older who do not have a high school diploma or equivalent level of education. Hispanics may be of any race. The White population does not include Hispanics and reflects those who reported their race as White alone, not in combination with any other race. Data for the Black and Asian populations are for those who reported their race as Black or Asian alone, not in combination with any other race.