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Passenger Lists: Microfilmed Records of the U.S. Customs Service, 1820--ca. 1891

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Record Group 36

Atlantic, Gulf, and Great Lakes Ports

  • A Supplemental Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast Ports (Excluding New York), 1820--1874. M334. 188 rolls. PDF format 16mm. DP.

    This publication indexes the passenger lists included under the alphabetical listing of ports in M575, which follows.

  • Copies of Lists of Passengers Arriving at Miscellaneous Ports on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts and at Ports on the Great Lakes, 1820--1873. M575. 16 rolls. PDF format

Baltimore, Maryland

  • Index (Soundex) to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, MD (Federal Passenger Lists), 1820--1897. M327. 171 rolls. PDF format 16mm. DP.

  • Index (Soundex) to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, MD (City Passenger Lists), 1833--1866. M326. 22 rolls. PDF format 16mm. DP.
    Under a Maryland State law of March 22, 1833, effective from September 1833 until October 1866, the masters of vessels were required to submit lists of passengers arriving at Baltimore to the mayor of that city. The law required that these "city lists'' report the age and occupation of the passengers, and that the lists be sworn to by the master of the vessel in the presence of the mayor. The lists for the period 1833--1866 to which the index relates were borrowed from the city of Baltimore and were filmed as part of Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, 1820--91 (M255).

  • Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, MD, 1820--1891. M255. 50 rolls. PDF format DP.

  • Quarterly Abstracts of Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, MD, 1820--1869. M596. 6 rolls. PDF format DP.

Boston, Massachusetts

  • Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, MA, 1848--1891. M265. 282 rolls. PDF format 16mm. DP.

  • Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, MA, 1820--1891. M277. 115 rolls. PDF format

New Orleans, Louisiana

  • Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, LA, before 1900. T527. 32 rolls. PDF format 16mm.

    This index covers the period 1853-1899. The original records were transferred to the Immigration and Naturalization Service and are part of Record Group 85. The publication is described with the records of the U.S. Customs Service for the convenience of the researcher.

  • Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, LA, 1820--1902. M259. 93 rolls. PDF format DP.

  • Quarterly Abstracts of Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, LA, 1820--1875. M272. 17 rolls. PDF format DP.

New York, New York

  • Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, NY, 1820--1846. M261. 103 rolls. PDF format 16mm. DP.

  • Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, NY, 1820--1897. M237. 675 rolls. PDF format DP.

  • Registers of Vessels Arriving at the Port of New York from Foreign Ports, 1789--1919. M1066. 27 rolls. PDF format DP.

    The records in this publication are grouped in two series. The volumes that make up the first series, reproduced on rolls 1--22, cover the period from August 5, 1789, to December 30, 1899, except for the following gaps: September 1, 1796--September 25, 1798; July 19, 1801--December 31, 1804; and October 14, 1811- -December 31, 1815. These volumes originally were maintained by the offices of the collector, naval officer, and surveyor of the Port of New York. Because the records were created by these offices for different purposes, the volumes vary in internal arrangement, dates covered, and information recorded. The volumes have been combined as a single series because they all record the arrival of vessels from foreign ports and, as such, provide the most complete record available of these vessel arrivals at New York. The volumes have been arranged and filmed in chronological order, although there is frequent overlapping of dates among the volumes.

    The entries in the volumes filmed on rolls 1--22 are arranged either chronologically, alphabetically by the name of vessel, alphabetically by the name of owner, or alphabetically by the type of rig of the vessel. The most frequent arrangement is alphabetical by the name of vessel. Most of the volumes contain at least the date of entry; the name, country of origin, and type of rig of the vessel; the master's name; and the last port of embarkation. A few volumes also contain information about tonnage, duties, cargo, consignees, number of crew and passengers, owners' names, manifest numbers, clearances, bond releases, and officers' returns.

    The volumes that make up the second series, reproduced on rolls 23--27, cover the period from January 3, 1860, to December 31, 1919. This series was created at a later date as a standard index to vessel arrivals from foreign ports. Within each volume the entries are arranged alphabetically by the name of vessel and thereunder chronologically.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Philadelphia, PA, 1800--1906. M360. 151 rolls. PDF format 16mm. DP.

  • Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Philadelphia, PA, 1800--1882. M425. 108 rolls. PDF format DP.
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