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Preparing an Express Purchase Package

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The SBA Express program has several unique features that make it different from other 7a loans. One of the most important differences is the requirement that all liquidation or collection activity must be completed before the demand for purchase is submitted unless the Expedited Demand Procedure is utilized. (SBA Procedural Notice 5000-803) For further information on SBAExpress or CommunityExpress please refer to the SBA Express Program Guide.

To facilitate the ease in which your package flows through our system we strongly recommend that you use SBA Form 1149 Lender’s Transcript of Account.

How should I notify SBA that a SBA express loan should be placed in to liquidation?

Please email your request to place the SBAExpress loan in liquidation to the appropriate CLC at: or Make sure you refer to the SBA loan number and state that this is a liquidation request in the subject line. (sample: 1236504004 liquidation request) or you may fax your request to (202) 292-3877 for Little Rock or (202) 481-0663 for Fresno . Please make sure your correspondence refers to the SBA loan number. Please DO NOT use this email address or fax number for regular servicing requests.

When Liquidation is Completed, where do I submit my demand for SBA to honor it guaranty?

If your loans are regularly serviced by the Little Rock Commercial Loan Servicing Center or the Fresno Loan Servicing Center then you may fax, email (if your Purchase Demand Kit (PDK) is less than 2.5 MB).

To electronically submit your PDK using our third party secure transmission service SendThisFile which offers 128-bit encryption. To send PDKs to Little Rock using SendThisFile, click here. To send PDKs to Fresno, click here. Or send your PDK on disk (jump/flash drive or cd) to:

Commercial Loan Servicing Center
US Small Business Administration
2120 Riverfront Drive, Suite 100
Little Rock, AR 72202-1794
Attn: Express Purchase Unit
(202) 292-3877 Fax
Commercial Loan Servicing Center - Fresno
US Small Business Administration
801 R Street, Suite 101
Fresno, CA 93721-2365
Attn: Express Purchase Unit
(202) 481-0663 Fax

How should I submit my Demand?

SBA has a 10 Tab Purchase Demand Kit (PDF) for lenders to use to facilitate the purchase process. The PDK is available online. If you have Adobe Acrobat Professional 8 or above then you can add your documents directly to the PDK  and save it to a disk or archive it with the information on your hard drive.
We have redesigned, updated and streamlined our PDK. We are proud to present our 10 Tab PDK for the SBAExpress program which is available here online. We have even added the Express Purchase label to each page to help avoid confusion with any other PDK. The new 10 Tab Express PDK requires use of Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 or above. Our 10 Tab Express PDK features enhancements such as more detailed explanations of the tabs, drop down menus and fillable fields and it allows you to save your data in the PDK itself  so you can complete it now or later. You can download our new 10 Tab Express PDK and contact us if you wish to have someone walk you through it.

I’m an ARC lender, how and where should I submit my ARC demands?

Lenders with ARC (America’s Recovery Capital) loans should submit their demands to whichever Commercial Loan Servicing Center that handles their Express loans.

We have updated and streamlined our PDK to include ARC loan provisions. Our new version (v.7) retains the same 10 Tab format however a few items have changed. Some of the information in the v.7-10 Tab Express PDK has been consolidated, information on the ARC program has been added and we have included a certification page for the Express programs. The v.7-10 Tab Express PDK features all the enhancements of the original 10 Tab PDK, it’s still fillable and it allows you to save your data in the PDK itself so you can complete it on your time schedule. If you are submitting a demand for an ARC loan you must use the v.7-10 Tab Express PDK, if you are submitting a demand for any other Express program you may use either the original 10 Tab or the v.7-10 Tab Express PDK. You can download the v.7-10 Tab Express PDK by clicking on any  v.7-10 Tab Express PDK on this page.  If you would like someone to talk you or your staff through the PDK please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience.

For more questions and answers about the SBA Express program please see our FAQ.

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Preparing an Express Purchase Package
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