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FMA Field Operations

photo of Dutch Harbor, Alaska The FMA Division's Field Operations Program maintains field offices in Anchorage, Kodiak, and Dutch Harbor, Alaska. Each field office provides year-round service.

All field staff have served as observers in Alaska fisheries and have experience with each type of fishing gear and vessel, as well as shoreside operations. Their duties include:

  • communicating with industry members to improve compliance with regulations associated with observer safety, working conditions, and sampling;
  • providing support to observers to enhance data quality;
  • collaborating with other biologists from the AFSC and Alaska Region;
  • participating in fishery research cruises in support of the Division or other AFSC research activities.

photo of fishing operations FMA employs a team of biologists that provide direct assistance and one-on-one interaction with observers in the office and at vessels and plants. They carry out rotational assignments at the field offices and remote ports throughout Alaska, where they coordinate with industry to improve upon observer sampling, working, and living conditions.

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