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HOPWA Formula Program

HOPWA distributes 90 percent of its program funds using a statutory formula that relies on AIDS statistics (cumulative AIDS cases and area incidence) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Three quarters of HOPWA formula funding is awarded to qualified States and Metropolitan areas with the highest number of AIDS cases. One quarter of the formula funding is awarded to metropolitan areas that have a higher-than-average per capita incidence of AIDS.


HOPWA Formula Grants are awarded upon submission and HUD approval of Consolidated Plan pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations (24 CFR Part 91), which is published by the Office of the Federal Register. Metropolitan areas with a population of more than 500,000 and at least 1,500 cumulative AIDS cases are eligible for HOPWA Formula Grants. In these areas, the largest city serves as the Formula Grant Administrator. States with more than 1,500 cumulative AIDS cases (in areas outside cities eligible to receive HOPWA funds) are also eligible to receive HOPWA Formula Grants.

States, cities, and local governments and nonprofit organizations may also apply for HOPWA Competitive Grants or HOPWA Technical Assistance Funding grants.


In fiscal year 2010, a total of $298.485 million dollars was awarded to 132 grantees. These grantees represent 92 eligible metropolitan statistical areas (EMSAS) and 41 eligible states. A description of formula funding issues to each city and State program can be found at the following sites:

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