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Division of Investigative Oversight

The Division of Investigative Oversight (DIO) is primarily responsible for monitoring the institutional response to research misconduct allegations involving PHS supported research or research training.

In this capacity DIO:

  • reviews and monitors investigations conducted by applicant and awardee institutions and intramural research programs;
  • evaluates investigations and investigatory findings of awardee and applicant institutions, intramural research programs, and the Office of Inspector General, and develops and recommends to the ORI Director, findings of research misconduct and proposal administrative actions against those who committed misconduct;
  • assists the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) in preparing and presenting cases in hearings before the Research Integrity Adjudications Panel of the DHHS Department Appeals Board;
  • provides information on DHHS policies and procedures, as requested, to individuals who have made an allegation or have been accused of research misconduct;
  • establishes and implements a program of advice and technical assistance to entities that conduct inquiries and investigations, or otherwise respond to allegations of research misconduct; and
  • conducts the compliance program which includes responding to retaliation complaints.

Besides monitoring research misconduct cases, DIO substantially contributes to several Division of Education and Integrity activities and manages the following activities:

  • Rapid Response Technical Assistance Program
  • Conferences and workshops
  • PHS Administrative Actions Bulletin Board
  • Compliance Program
  • Responds to retaliation complaints

Source: Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority, Federal Register: May 12, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 93, Pages 30600-30601).
